José Joaquín Rojas changes his runner's jersey to that of sports director at Movistar

José Joaquín Rojas, a cyclist from Cieza who last week announced that he would hang up his bike at the end of this season at the age of 38 after not receiving the renewal offer from the Movistar team, will continue to be linked to the telephone team as sports director.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
25 October 2023 Wednesday 17:41
3 Reads
José Joaquín Rojas changes his runner's jersey to that of sports director at Movistar

José Joaquín Rojas, a cyclist from Cieza who last week announced that he would hang up his bike at the end of this season at the age of 38 after not receiving the renewal offer from the Movistar team, will continue to be linked to the telephone team as sports director.

The announcement was made at the usual concentration that the team is carrying out these days in Navarra to prepare for the next season and was spread through an interview with Rojillas, as he is known in the world of cycling and in the team to which he belongs. since 2007.

After joining the then-called Caisse d'Epargne after making his professional debut with Liberty Seguros, he stood out throughout his career for being a luxury lieutenant for his leader, a role he played especially with another Murcian, Alejandro Valverde. .

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"I would have liked to continue for another year, but with the needs of the team I saw that I wanted to contribute in another way and I really like what I do and this change had to come sooner or later," he added.

"At first I will go in the second car and learn to contribute my vision," said someone who hopes to be "someone close to cyclists."

In the structure led by Unzué, he joins the coaching staff "super motivated" along with other professionals such as José Vicente -Chente- García Acosta, Pablo Lastras and the Italian Maximilian Sciandri.