Thrown out and reported to the police

After first being works out of the largest motorklub, ASH Moorland, the former racecar driver Thorkild Thyrring been notified of the theft to Copenhagen is Rank

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
01 November 2019 Friday 15:00
63 Reads
Thrown out and reported to the police

After first being works out of the largest motorklub, ASH Moorland, the former racecar driver Thorkild Thyrring been notified of the theft to Copenhagen is Ranked the Police.

the Driver, who by his own admission, has had a career up to speed with the nine-double Le Mans-winner Tom Kristensen and Denmark's first Le Mans winner, John Nielsen, has sold 28 løbsplakater from the bygone time with the Roskilde Ring, which existed from 1955 to 1968.

the Buyer is Danish Design & Posters.

the Posters, which Thorkild Thyrring in his time borrowed to use for a program on TV2, which was never sent, has the bank subsequently offered the club to buy them back for dkk 80,000.

Since the Extra Magazine referred to the case of the 28. september has the club tried in vain to get Thorkild Thyrring on other and better thoughts.

Before the case really began to roll, had Thorkild Thyrring been given a deadline to 1. July, which again and again has been extended.

- It is about a long-standing member, has the ASK Moorland-president Michael Kastaniegaard previously explained.

ASK-Moorland is the largest club and has had big names like Kevin and Jan Magnussen, Michael Christensen, Jason Watts and Jac Nellemann in the member list.

Now is the patience to let up, and the president has been past, Copenhagen is Ranked the Police.

- I've got a receipt of the notification, says Michael Kastaniegaard, as so far nothing has been heard on a review from Thorkild Thyrring against the club for defamation.

- Fine with it, if it will happen. So the police will know to the case.

During the process, Thorkild Thyrrings frafaldende lawyer noted that his client cannot be notified because he has status as udlandsdansker.

the club has raised doubts about, because the ex-racing driver almost always is in Denmark, and in a longer period of time he has lived in a house on the Coastal street in Hornbæk.

in Addition to the notification of theft will ASK-Moorland on the Danish Automobile Sports Union for the forthcoming annual meeting have Thorkild Thyrring declared 'persona non grata', so he can't join another club.

At the same annual meeting will probably be asked questions to DASU's sports director Bo Baltzer Nielsen, who back in 2015, have signed a statement in relation to Thorkild Thyrring, where sportsdirektøren witnesseth, that the former racing driver has become routine approx. 75 løbssejre, although the figure nicely said, is 'wildly' exaggerated.

It makes him more winning than Denmark's biggest name ever, Tom Kristensen, and will place him side by side with John Nielsen on the list of the most winning, as Jan Magnussen sovereign topper.

based on comments we do not politianmeldelser against individuals, says Copenhagen is Ranked the Police.

ASK-Hedelands president Michael Kastaniegaard with a copy of one of the posters, as Thorkild Thyrring has sold (Foto: jan Sommer)

See also: Validates Thyrrings boasting: 'Not good enough'

Sports and Games the Police threaten: Kyler Thorkild Thyrring out

See also: Thyrring lose the licence: I wonder

Updated: 01.11.2019 15:00