Nabokrig of the Castle: the Terrorists! Pure bred!

- You want the terrorists to Denmark! - But you will have a pure Denmark! the Waves go high, and the fierce accusations being sent off between the political

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
31 October 2019 Thursday 19:00
58 Reads
Nabokrig of the Castle: the Terrorists! Pure bred!

- You want the terrorists to Denmark!

- But you will have a pure Denmark!

the Waves go high, and the fierce accusations being sent off between the political kamphaner Pernille Vermund (NB) and Sikandar Siddique (Y), en Ekstra issued visiting them at their common time, called Football in the paramount chambers of Christiansborg.

In the small secluded town of the huge Christiansborg share five green alternativister and four nationalkonservative from the newly elected New Civil kitchen, toilets and rygealtan. The two parties can't get further away from each other politically, but not purely logistically, they couldn't be closer.

the Alternative could not concoct a walk green tea without being looked over the shoulder of their new neighbours, and the new bourgeois have to live with having to go and stare at the big bold, green 'Y', as the Alternative has placed in the middle of the hallway.

to be able to get the daily life on a time to run smoothly, they must check in between take their disagreements with a smile and bury the political stridsøkse.

- It is fun, to the parties who are the most disagree at all the parties, sharing time together, says Sikandar Siddique, and continues:

- I can not understand at all New Borgerliges policy, but the neighbourhood has proven to be much more positive than it could have been. I think we have a good atmosphere in the hall. We are good to say hello to each other, and we behave adult like, it can also be expected of us, says Siddique.

For Pernille Vermund is it not a problem to separate the political and the personal level.

- You can't live a life where one chooses his friends from a political point of view, my ex-husband voted the party, the previous time, now he voted SF this time. We have three children together and have lived together for many years, so I'm used to having to be roomy, laughing Pernille Vermund.

There are smiles and happy days, when we sit down for a cup of coffee, but there shall be no more than a small spark to ignite the conflagration of the political differences that separate the two.

the Talk falls on the last Wednesday of heated debate on syrienskrigere in Folketingssalen between Sikandar Siddique and New Borgerliges Mette Thiesen, who both got up in the red field.

After Sikandar Siddiques opinion, spoke Mette Thiesen not with a proper tone, when she asked him if he would like to have the ICE warriors live, if they come to Denmark. He is resentful of the fact that she uses the word scum, about the Danish nationals, who are drawn in the war in Syria.

Sikandar Siddique is udlændingeordfører for the Alternative. Photo: Aleksander Klug

When you have been up and peaks in the folketingssalen, can a see you down on the green time be uncomfortable.

- If debatformen becomes primitive and personal, as f.ex. the question that I got down in the chamber from Mette Thiesen, then it may well be awkward having to stand and make coffee together down in the kitchen afterwards. It was a little awkward to meet Mette Thiesen afterwards, says Sikandar Siddique, and continues:

- the Tone of the debate has radicalised the danes. When you are saying to a person: 'You are stupid, you are stupid, you are stupid'. So legitimizes you attitudes out in people. So it is of course essential, how you speak, says Siddique.

Three words about the enemy

Ekstra Bladet asked the two combatants to describe each other's respective parties with three words:

Pernille Vermund about the Alternative:

1. Crazy

2. The unworldly

3. Tummelumske

Sikandar Siddique on the New Civic:

1. Extreme

2. Extreme

3. Extreme

Pernille Vermund shaking his head, when she hears Sikandar Siddiques rant. She is more interested in the answer to the question as Mette Thiesen asked Siddique. The tone is she not very busy.

- You must be able to call a spade a spade, and if you don't have to say that the IS-terrorists are scum, then we reached too far, says Penille Vermund.

Right exactly immigration policy is that, where the frictions are allerstørst between the two parties. So far they agree.

- You want the terrorists to Denmark to be brought to justice, and I want criminal aliens deported consistently and after the first judgment. It could not be more different, says Pernille Vermund.

Surprising consensus: - you Take the piss out of me?

the List of differences between the Alternative and the New Civic is long.

There must be dug deeper, to find out where the two parties can come together on a political cooperation

: We are actually de facto the two most different parties. We never agree on anything. We have political we have still to find something to agree on.

: I have something. We would both like to of with the the job centers.

: Will it? It is the whole game. It is just before, that we should try to assemble a majority if we can agree, so must all be able to agree.

: But we will probably not with the job centres of the same reasons.

: Will will of with the the job centers, because the whips are run down and sick around in the system.

: There we agree.

: General unemployed bliverr made to public clients from day 1.

: There we agree.

- So you can meet employment?

Siddique : We will f.ex. like to have the cash assistance without the counterclaim.

: we will too. Hold up! With the job centres and a basic without a counterclaim.

: It is totally wild!

: you Take the piss out of me?

: No, it is real.

: A resolution from the Alternative and New Bourgeois to resign from the job centers. It makes we. It shall we.

- But basisydelsen must be only for the Danish citizens.

Updated: 31.10.2019 19:00