Go completely knaldeamok: - I was really upset about it

In Thursday's title of 'Paradise Hotel' was in the extent gone to the. After the evening feast, it was not just one or two, but all three pairs that went a

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
09 January 2020 Thursday 17:00
585 Reads
Go completely knaldeamok: - I was really upset about it

In Thursday's title of 'Paradise Hotel' was in the extent gone to the.

After the evening feast, it was not just one or two, but all three pairs that went all the way under the sheets. Thus, in total, there were six persons who had sex on the same night - and that is two more than in the entire season last year.

According to Sarah Dohn, who is one of the participants who had sex in the section, it comes as no surprise to her that the in the year 'Paradise Hotel' is faster on the trigger.

I think that last year's cast seems cute, but they are a part duller than the us. We have a little more time in it, and I really do believe that our goal was just to come in and throw loss of inhibition and have it for grineren, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

Danish well-known - 9. jan. 2020 - pm. 19:40 Danish tv few going from each other

She is also not surprised that it was just Freya and Daniel, Anna and Casper and her and Tobias, who were the first to have sex.

- When you see it on tv, see it the mega rushed out. You see ten percent of what happens, " she says, and continues:

I had spoken well, with Tobias before, and the other, which ended with the having sex, had also flirted and talked much together before. But it comes to seem as if we just jump on it, without that there has been contact within. It doesn't look like, that you have spoken with each other before, but we had all flirted with each other, so it did not come as a mega shock, and so we were all stiff, and we had to sleep where we would be. So it had to be done, she says with a laugh.

The new participants in the 'Paradise Hotel' holds certainly are not back. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

- How are you with seeing yourself having sex on tv?

I had the mega well with Tobias, and I was comfortable with him. So it was not just something random something. But when I saw it, I was actually really upset about it. It hit me straight, for I can well remember that it happened, but at the same time, it's just so long ago that it was recorded, and one is just in a completely different place in life now. So it was a bit violent to see it, " she says, and continues:

- Now it's out, and my family and friends and everyone can see it. It I just had to live with that. For one feels in one way or another, that it is happening now, though it does not do it. But now I'm cool with it, and I regret that it happened, she says with a laugh and says that she can't remember specifically much of the evening, where she had a lot of alcohol in the blood.

- I was simply so full. So it's all a bit blurry, laughs she.

Sarah Dohn do not regret, that she had sex with Tobias at the hotel. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

Danish well-known - 9. jan. 2020 - pm. 10:12 'Paradise'-winner crazy on the red carpet: Go over the limit again and again

Updated: 09.01.2020 17:00