Symptoms and treatment of dry eyes in winter

The causes behind dry eyes, one of the most common vision problems, can be varied, but not its symptoms, which are mainly characterized by the stinging and itchy eyes experienced.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
17 February 2024 Saturday 10:32
10 Reads
Symptoms and treatment of dry eyes in winter

The causes behind dry eyes, one of the most common vision problems, can be varied, but not its symptoms, which are mainly characterized by the stinging and itchy eyes experienced. One of the keys to how to take care of your eyesight after the age of 40 has a lot to do with preventing your eyes from drying out. This is because it is estimated that this is the main reason for consulting an ophthalmologist, with an incidence of more than 20% in people over 40 years of age, according to data from the Victoria Eugenia Hospital of the Spanish Red Cross. An eye problem that is aggravated during the winter months.

Dry eye occurs when there is an alteration in tear secretion, something that can be caused by both a shortage of tears and a deficiency in their quality. The result will be an ocular surface that is not lubricated as it should, which will bring with it all the discomfort that characterizes dry eyes.

Identifying dry eye, so common during winter, is a fairly simple task, since its symptoms are very characteristic. The most common are the sensation of itching or stinging, which could also be defined as burning. In addition to visual fatigue, the heaviness of the eyelids and irritation, as the Innova Ocular specialists point out. In some cases, the eyes water due to the poor quality of the lubrication they receive.

One of the most common causes simply has to do with age, since aging is accompanied by a deterioration in the effectiveness of the tear glands. Although it can also be due to other reasons, such as hormonal changes in the case of women or pathologies such as conjunctivitis or keratitis. Even due to the use of contact lenses or as a side effect of certain medications.

The most advisable thing would be to prevent cases of dry eyes, mainly by maintaining good eye hygiene, hydrating the eyes with artificial tears, reducing the time of use of contact lenses and taking advantage of the advantages of humidifiers, among other recommendations. However, when the problem is already there, treatment must be undertaken.

The main way to end dry eyes is through artificial tears and other lubricating formulas, explain from Innova Ocular. The objective of which will be to control dryness and calm irritation. If it is not effective, you should consult with your ophthalmologist to determine other treatments, such as the use of eye drops or other more specific measures.