Digital Marketing: 5 Must-Know Tips for Political Campaigners

Right now, the world cares more about politics than at any other time in human history.

Recep Karaca
Recep Karaca
08 September 2021 Wednesday 08:23
342 Reads
Digital Marketing: 5 Must-Know Tips for Political Campaigners

Right now, the world cares more about politics than at any other time in human history.

Generations – young and old – have become heavily invested in their political opinions and ideologies. So much so, in fact, that’s it rare to meet someone who isn’t openly willing to discuss politics, from what they think about current world events to which political leaders they like and dislike.

Of course, this has created a dreamland for political organizations and campaigners, who now have a wider and more diverse pool of people they can engage with. Effectively, it’s the golden age of political marketing. More specifically, it’s the golden age of political digital marketing, which is now the number one tool that organizations and campaigners use to reach audiences.

With that said, let’s dive in to 5 must-know know digital marketing tips designed specifically for political campaigners.

  1. Political SMS marketing is the key to fundraising

What’s something that most people have in common today? Think carefully. That’s right: they own smartphones.

According to Statista, as of 2021 a staggering 85% of adults in America own a smartphone. This makes SMS marketing (text message marketing) incredibly effective. If you send a marketing text to voters, you can rest assured that they’re almost certainly going to see it.

So, it’s essential that you put SMS marketing at the forefront of your fundraising campaign. This way, you can send lots of messages to voters, experience super high engagement rates, and ultimately tick off your goals.

Whether it’s raising $10,000 or encouraging more people to vote, SMS marketing is going to help you achieve it.  

To get started on your SMS marketing journey, you need to work closely with Tatango, who will provide you with simple, easy-to-use SMS marketing software. Even if you or members of your team aren’t tech-savvy, you’ll quickly get the hang of it. The process is simple:

  • Create your SMS messages
  • Select your target audience (which could be millions of recipients)
  • Hit send
  • Sit back, relax, and watch your engagement levels skyrocket!

It’s political campaigning made easy.

  1. Use social media to your advantage

Social media is another incredible tool for reaching all kinds of voters and donators.

Through social media, you can:

  • Post interesting content
  • Answer questions
  • Share important messages
  • And much more

Plus, you can have fun along the way, as many political campaigners now like to post memes and other light-hearted content so that they can get noticed by Gen Z and millennial voters.

Side tip: make sure to post daily on social media.

  1. Create an engaging YouTube channel

Political groups and campaigners need a YouTube channel. It’s a great source for posting visual content, such as vlogs of you out on the road campaigning.

  1. Be strict with fact checking

“Fake news.”

Yes, that phrase that you’re probably tired of hearing by now! But, despite its over usage, it’s so important that you fact-check before tweeting, sending emails, or giving speeches. Even the slightest mistake could get you in trouble!

  1. Embrace feedback – good and bad

Modern audiences can be hostile at the best of times, so make sure to embrace all feedback – good and bad.

Bonus tip: Focus on creating trust

Voters need to know they can trust you, so make sure your promises can be (realistically) followed through with. Any broken promises can come back to haunt you, so be careful!