How we can prevent, detect and address LGTBI-phobia

Since January 1, 2023, there have been 55 situations of LGTBI-phobia in Barcelona (Observatory against Homophobia, 2023).

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
22 May 2023 Monday 12:21
2 Reads
How we can prevent, detect and address LGTBI-phobia

Since January 1, 2023, there have been 55 situations of LGTBI-phobia in Barcelona (Observatory against Homophobia, 2023).

Insults, humiliation, discriminatory attitudes, harassment, threats, physical aggression, psychological violence or cyberbullying are forms of LGTBI-phobia that must be eradicated. You will find more information in the LGTBI-phobia detection guide.

Preventing and acting against this type of discrimination is essential to guarantee the rights and freedoms of LGTBI people.

If you find yourself in this situation, call 112 immediately.

Call or go to the Emergency and Social Emergencies Center of Barcelona (CUESB):

In Barcelona you have three facilities specialized in informing, guiding and caring for people who may suffer from a situation of LGTBI-phobia:

LGTBI Center of Barcelona: offers psychological support and legal and legal guidance to people in situations of discrimination due to LGTBI-phobia or serophobia, and works in coordination with the Office for Non-Discrimination (OND), with the support of specialized entities such as the Observatory against Homophobia. It also has an emergency mechanism against attacks, to detect cases that may arise and take action.

Office for Non-Discrimination (OND): free and confidential attention to all people who suffer or have suffered a situation of discrimination or a hate crime and who live or work in the city or pass through it.

Observatory against Homophobia: entity made up of activists, professionals and volunteers from different fields. It offers psychological support, legal advice and training and has resources to prevent LGTBI-phobia, such as a guide to work on affective, sexual and gender diversity or a study on the visibility of lesbophobia.

The rights of the LGTBI collective are included in Law 11/2014 to guarantee the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex and to eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. Consult a compilation of the main points included in this standard to guarantee the respect and dignity of LGTBI people.