Can I eat a healthy diet with just the air fryer?

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Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
28 February 2024 Wednesday 09:26
10 Reads
Can I eat a healthy diet with just the air fryer?

Do you have questions about nutrition? Send them to us at, our nutritionist Aitor Sánchez will answer all your questions.

Can I eat a healthy diet just using the air fryer? (Yolanda Martínez, reader)

Hello Yolanda,

You can follow a healthy diet without having to resort to any appliance urgently, and also using only one or two three elements from our kitchen. The airfryer is simply a convection oven that has become very fashionable lately, but it does nothing different from the traditional oven. Whether you follow a healthy diet or not by using it exclusively will depend more on the foods you prepare on it.

Analyzing its pros and cons, it has a very positive side and full of opportunities, and that is that people are encouraged by it to make preparations that are usually indicated for the oven, but usually due to laziness or not using all the capacity and volume of this appliance often ends up being discarded.

On the other hand, the airfryer has a more negative aspect and that is that the number of breadings and batters consumed by people who end up purchasing one is increasing.

I would invite you not to think so much about the cooking method you are using, and to analyze rather what ingredients and what type of food you are consuming.

The amount of oil you can use in one dish or another is equally variable in an air fryer or in a conventional oven. Finally, croquettes made in the air fryer are not going to become 100% healthy, nor a good option if we are eating them very frequently.

Hello, what advice would you give me to eat more fruit? (Lara López, reader)

Hello Lara,

The first advice I would give you is to try to prioritize those that you like the most; I know it sounds like truism, but you can't imagine how many people end up varying the fruit because they think it's bad to repeat. In the same way that there are people who consume bread or milk daily, there is no problem in taking, for example, bananas or apples daily if we wish.

The second piece of advice I would give you is to prioritize fruit that is in season because there are all advantages: it is much better because it is harvested at the optimal point of ripeness, it is cheaper because there is much more availability of it, and we are also taking a more sustainable and more responsible decision with the people around us.

The third idea is that you consider fruit not only as a dessert or a food that you eat mid-morning or mid-afternoon, it is very common that people who find it difficult to eat it or do not find it very attractive to consume it isolated form is a bit of an uphill climb. However, if we use it as an ingredient in some preparations such as salads, toast or smoothies, we can increase its consumption practically without realizing it.

Finally, a tip that has much more to do with the environmental part of our house and kitchen, and is the fact of having a good fruit bowl that we have in sight and that can make us eat fruit in a more attractive and spontaneous. If we have tangerines closer at hand, it will be much easier for the whole family to end up using them.