Basque elections 2024: calendar of key dates for April 21

The electoral campaign for the elections to the Basque Parliament on April 21 will begin in the early hours of this Thursday (on the night of April 5 to 6), after the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, announced the call on February 22 electoral.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
02 April 2024 Tuesday 11:08
6 Reads
Basque elections 2024: calendar of key dates for April 21

The electoral campaign for the elections to the Basque Parliament on April 21 will begin in the early hours of this Thursday (on the night of April 5 to 6), after the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, announced the call on February 22 electoral. Basque society will elect the 75 representatives who will make up the new Basque Chamber -25 for each territory-, and from there the new Lehendakari of the Basque Government will emerge.

Following the announcement by Lehendakari Urkullu, the Official Gazette of the Basque Country (BOPV) published the decree calling for elections on February 26 and the Basque Parliament was dissolved.

On March 18, the deadline for submitting candidatures closed, with a total of 14 candidates competing in one of the historic territories. However, only seven of them have real chances of achieving representation. These are PNV, EH Bildu, PSE, PP, Podemos, Sumar and Vox, although it is not clear that these last three formations will gain parliamentarians.

In addition, seven other political formations are taking part in the elections on April 21 to which no survey gives real chances of entering the Basque Chamber. This is For a Fairer World (PM J); Blank Seats/Aulku Zuriak; Animalist Party with the Environment (PACMA); Humanist Party (only in Bizkaia); Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa); Izan (in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa); and Ongi Etorri (only in Álava)

Now, the next milestone comes on the night of Thursday to Friday, when the electoral campaign officially begins at midnight.

The key dates are;

•5th of April. Start of the electoral campaign.

•April 12th. Limit to request voting by mail.

•April 18th. Last day to cast your vote at the Post Office.

•April 19th. End of the electoral campaign.

•April 20th. Reflection journey.

•April, the 21st. Celebration of the regional elections in Euskadi.