Òmnium rebukes the pro-independence parties and calls for unity of action

"The pro-independence parties have continued prioritizing electoral, labor and short-term interest, above the collective interest.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
25 July 2023 Tuesday 10:39
9 Reads
Òmnium rebukes the pro-independence parties and calls for unity of action

"The pro-independence parties have continued prioritizing electoral, labor and short-term interest, above the collective interest." According to Òmnium Cultural, this is the main cause of the poor result of the pro-independence forces in the general elections on Sunday, in which this movement lost more than 700,000 votes and 12 seats in Congress.

For this reason, the independence entity, which marked its position on Wednesday, has called for "the unity of action of the independence movement to assert its strength and demand an end to the repression and the exercise of the right to self-determination."

In a statement released this morning, Òmnium points out that the poor result of the independence forces on 23-J is, "in large part", a consequence of the "inability" of all the agents to engage in a "coordinated strategy", and of "having ignored the repeated warnings of the voters and civil society" since 2017. "The pro-independence parties have continued to prioritize the electoral interest, on the part and in the short term, over the collective interest," says Òmnium.

The entity also addresses the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, whom it warns that it will commit "serious irresponsibility" if it opts for "institutional blockade and paralysis in the face of the advance of the extreme right", rather than attend to "the legitimate democratic demands of the citizenry". Òmnium places in the hands of the chief executive not to go to new elections and sees a "clear" dilemma: "fundamental rights and democracy or paralysis". Something that translated into concretions Òmnium clarifies: "end of repression and referendum or a second chance for the extreme right to condition governability".

Òmnium takes the opportunity to remind the State that "it still has a problem to solve" and therefore calls on the pro-independence parties to "lock a country strategy and assume their share of responsibility in the situation that the pro-independence movement is experiencing". And it issues a warning: "Only a movement headed by leaders with the capacity to weave trust will be able to reverse the current situation."

It also calls on "organized civil society" to "recover and strengthen a democratic and effective mobilization that makes negotiation essential for a democratic resolution of the political conflict." In this sense, he points to the next Diada as "the first great opportunity" to make it clear to the powers of the State that "we will not live normally until the aspirations of citizens are met democratically and fundamental rights are guaranteed" .