New York asks to remove the mask in stores to stop the wave of robberies

From the health pandemic to the plague of robberies.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
09 March 2023 Thursday 22:24
6 Reads
New York asks to remove the mask in stores to stop the wave of robberies

From the health pandemic to the plague of robberies. It wasn't that long ago that New Yorkers were required to put on their masks to enter establishments. Now, according to Mayor Eric Adams, it is time to take it away, and those who refuse must be blocked.

This is the latest innovation, which is not required by law, launched by Adams to stop robberies in stores or supermarkets under the camouflage of masks. This preventive garment prevents the authors from being identified in the recordings.

“We make a clear call to all our establishments so that they do not allow access to those people who do not remove their mask when entering,” he said in a radio interview. "Once inside, they can take her if she wishes," she added. The cameras will have already captured the image.

The suggestion has caused consternation among many residents, who show their distrust of the impact of the covid after the high mortality in the city. Although there are more and more testimonials, there are still posters in shop windows requesting to wear a mask.

The comment by the mayor, a former police officer, comes after the death last weekend of a 67-year-old employee of a Manhattan convenience store. The attacker was wearing a mask. Crime is down in New York, but shoplifting persists. This has made it necessary to hire private security or to store consumer products (ice cream, cereals, aspirin...) in cabinets. Your purchase forces you to ring a bell for the employee to open the display case.