This is how ChatGPT writes two speeches on abortion by PSOE and Vox

Half a minute is what ChatGPT has taken, the new artificial intelligence system capable of responding to everything that is asked to make two speeches.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
25 February 2023 Saturday 22:26
34 Reads
This is how ChatGPT writes two speeches on abortion by PSOE and Vox

Half a minute is what ChatGPT has taken, the new artificial intelligence system capable of responding to everything that is asked to make two speeches. On this occasion, he has been required to provide two political dissertations on abortion, from very different perspectives such as that of the PSOE and that of Vox. This has been the result:

Companions and companions,

Today I want to talk about a topic that concerns us all: the right of women to decide about their own body and their maternity. From the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, we believe that the decision to abort is not easy or trivial, and that it must be taken freely by each woman, without coercion or impositions of any kind.

The PSOE defends the right to legal, safe and free abortion as a measure to guarantee the health of women and their reproductive freedom. We believe that the current legislation, which allows abortion in certain circumstances, must be improved and updated so that women have real and effective access to sexual and reproductive health services.

The right to decide over their own body is a fundamental human right that women deserve and that we must guarantee. In addition, the PSOE supports public policies that promote sexual education, family planning and access to contraceptive methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the need to resort to abortion.

We understand that some people have conscientious objections and refuse to participate in performing abortions. For this reason, we also believe that it is important to guarantee the right of women to receive medical care without discrimination or judgment, and that mechanisms be established to ensure the availability of legal and safe abortion services throughout the national territory.

In short, from the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, we defend the freedom of women to decide about their own maternity and their bodies, and we work to guarantee that access to sexual and reproductive health services is real and effective. Only then can we build a just and equitable society, in which women can fully exercise their rights and be the masters of their own destiny.

Dear Spaniards

The issue of abortion is one of the most important issues on our political agenda, since we consider that it is a matter of defense of life and human dignity. At Vox, we believe that abortion is a crime and we cannot remain indifferent to this situation.

We defend life from its conception to its natural end, and for this reason, we believe that abortion should be completely prohibited, except in cases of danger to the life of the mother. Life is sacred and we cannot allow the death of the most defenseless and innocent to be legalized.

At Vox, we believe that sexual education should be focused on promoting values ​​such as respect for life and family, and not on promoting abortion and sexual promiscuity. Likewise, we believe that it is necessary to promote adoption as a real alternative to abortion.

We respect the right to conscientious objection, and we believe that it is necessary to guarantee access to health services for those women who wish to continue their pregnancy.

At Vox, we fight for the defense of life and human dignity, and we believe that it is our duty to protect the most vulnerable and innocent in our society. We cannot allow the culture of death to take over our country, and that is why we work to guarantee the right to life from the moment of conception.