Sovereignty promotes the demand for amnesty and self-determination from the municipalities

The Acord Social per l'Amnistia i l'Self-determination platform has already launched the initiative so that all Catalan city councils vote on a motion in support of amnesty and self-determination.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
22 July 2022 Friday 08:51
11 Reads
Sovereignty promotes the demand for amnesty and self-determination from the municipalities

The Acord Social per l'Amnistia i l'Self-determination platform has already launched the initiative so that all Catalan city councils vote on a motion in support of amnesty and self-determination. The objective is to get 84% of the municipalities to support these demands in order to “make visible” the strength of this double demand and, likewise, the commitment “of the local world with the demand for an end to the repression and the need for a democratic resolution. ”. The initiative has the support of ERC, JXCAT, PDeCAT, the CUP, Independents de Catalunya and Municipalistes per la República des de Baix.

Among the promoters of this movement are David Fernàndez, former deputy of the CUP, Carme Forcadell, former president of the Parliament and the former ministers Quim Forn and Marina Geli. According to the platform's statement, meetings have been held with En Comú Podem, which would have promised to recommend a critical yes or an abstention in the vote on the aforementioned motion. Likewise, in Barcelona, ​​the formation of Ada Colau "has agreed to open a transaction process for the initial proposal, as was done in February 2021, when the country's capital positioned itself in favor of amnesty and proposals for advance in dejudicialization, such as pardons or the reform of the crime of sedition”.

The statement also indicates that the councilors who will support this position will reach 75% of the municipal elected officials, which should serve to "make visible" the commitment to the two demands voted on. The voting process in the town councils will take place from September –some have already started- in order to present the conclusions at the beginning of October, coinciding with the fifth anniversary of the 1-O referendum.

The promoter group of this platform wants that five years after the referendum it be confirmed again that there is a broad agreement "against repression and for a democratic solution". Amnesty, it is pointed out, understood as "the need for a collective and comprehensive solution for all exiled, prosecuted and victims of reprisals.” Self-determination as “the need for a framework of democratic resolution based on the exercise of self-determination by Catalan society”.