Recipe ideas to be happy eating healthy

Fashions are cyclical, and in the world of food and diets it could not be any different.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
29 January 2024 Monday 09:25
4 Reads
Recipe ideas to be happy eating healthy

Fashions are cyclical, and in the world of food and diets it could not be any different. There are voices that rise and fall in volume depending on the season that tend to denigrate or praise five meals a day. However, in the world of healthy eating, each person has different needs, so at APTC El Corte Inglés we want to give you ideas (and ingredients) to appease the effects of hunger or the absence of energy between meals.

A classic that works both alone (mandarin or orange) and accompanied (lime or grapefruit) with yogurt or other fruits. The ease of transporting bananas or kiwis turns any rumbling in your gut into a simple anecdote that can be solved with one of the delicious seasonal fruits. Don't worry if you don't know them, you can check them out here.

Eating nature's gummies can be even more nutritious if we try mixing fruits and ingredients with some APTC recipes that will add extra excitement to our diet.

Okay, vegetables (remember to eat those that are in season!) require a little more preparation than fruit. Although it is not necessary to prepare a container thoroughly to obtain a more than satisfactory result that will keep you satisfied until the next meal. Another idea is to combine them with fruits and create take away smoothies to give you a boost of energy and vitamins.

A classic for those who cannot conceive a world without sausages. Its mild flavor and high protein content make it an ideal necessary collaborator to mute your gut without ruining your appetite for the next meal. Cooked ham, although it is not a substitute by any means, is just as grateful for rolls with cheese or simply slice by slice.

Fresh cheese, like black cheese, combines with almost everything: sweet and salty. Whether you want to include it in a mini salad, on a skewer or with cereals. The secret to success is in your imagination (or its absence at APTC El Corte Inglés). At the El Corte Inglés Supermarket you will find a wide variety of brands to satisfy your tastes or your most favorable nutritional requirements.

And be careful, because fresh cheese is not synonymous with bland, healthy, and all those false beliefs. With this versatile ingredient you can cook some delicious recipes like Ternasco de Aragon with zucchini and... fresh cheese!