In Europe, pollution causes more than 1,200 premature deaths a year in children

More efforts are needed to protect the health of children and adolescents against the negative impacts of air pollution.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
25 April 2023 Tuesday 00:03
12 Reads
In Europe, pollution causes more than 1,200 premature deaths a year in children

More efforts are needed to protect the health of children and adolescents against the negative impacts of air pollution. This is indicated by the air quality assessments of the European Environment Agency (AEMA). Pollution causes more than 1,200 premature deaths per year in people under the age of 18 in 32 European countries and is significantly increasing the risk of disease in the future.

Although emissions of major air pollutants have declined in recent decades, their levels are still uncertain. They remain above the recommendations of the World Health Organization, especially in central and eastern Europe and in Italy.

Children and teenagers are particularly vulnerable to air pollution because their bodies, organs and immune systems are still developing, among other reasons. Exposure to pollution during childhood increases the risk of disease in adulthood, according to the report "Air pollution and children's health".

Although the number of premature deaths in this age group is low relative to the total population, these deaths are a loss of future potential and carry a significant burden of chronic disease, both in childhood and in adulthood. adolescence

"Children's lung function and development are affected by air pollution, especially ozone and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the short term, and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the long term ".

Before birth, pollution increases the risk of babies being smaller during pregnancy (and weighing less at birth), as well as giving birth prematurely. "After birth, ambient air pollution increases the risk of several health problems, including asthma, reduced lung function, respiratory infections and allergies," the report states. This problem "can also aggravate chronic diseases such as asthma, which affects 9% of children and adolescents in Europe, as well as increasing the risk of some chronic diseases later in adulthood". Improving air quality in settings such as schools and nurseries, as well as school trips and sports, help reduce children's exposure.

"Air pollution levels across Europe remain unsafe and European air quality policies should aim to protect all citizens, but especially our children, who are the most vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution in health", admits Hans Bruyninckx, director of the AEMA.

In 2021, more than 90% of the EU's urban population was exposed to harmful levels of nitrogen dioxide, ozone and fine particles.

Of particular concern is exposure to ultrafine particles (PM2.5), harmful pollutants responsible for cerebrovascular accidents, cancer and respiratory diseases. In 2021, 97% of the urban population was exposed to PM2.5 concentrations above what is recommended by the WHO. Central and Eastern Europe and Italy had the highest concentrations.

According to the EEA, around 238,000 people died prematurely in the EU in 2020 due to exposure to PM2.5 pollution above the WHO guidance level (5 microg/m³). NO2 pollution caused 49,000 premature deaths in the EU; and for ozone, 24,000, although these figures cannot be added to the previous ones.