Favoritpar raging: - It is deeply embarrassing

There was a surprising pressure atmosphere of Friday's round of 'dancing with the stars'. Tv chef Umut Sakaryas early exit hung like a shadow over the even

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
02 November 2019 Saturday 11:00
63 Reads
Favoritpar raging: - It is deeply embarrassing

There was a surprising pressure atmosphere of Friday's round of 'dancing with the stars'.

Tv chef Umut Sakaryas early exit hung like a shadow over the evening's program, which, very appropriately, had chosen the theme of 'day of The dead', which is a mexican tradition where the man pays tribute to the deceased.

Umut Sakaryas departure caused a wave of hate comments he received online in connection with its participation, and it falls, to put it mildly favoritparret, Neel Rønholt and Michael Olesen, of the chest.

- It is deeply, deeply embarrassing, " says Michael Olesen, before Neel Rønholt breaks in and finds:

- It is shameful.

- It has become so easy now-a-days to sit behind a screen and sending one or other out in the universe, and then believe that it only ends up on a second monitor. It does not, it ends up on another human being. It is beneath all criticism. I was tongue-tied when I heard it, continues Michael Olesen.

- It is so terrible, that our young people shall see some of them, they look up to, behave that way. So, one can well understand that they sometimes also have a hard time keeping a proper tone.

Film, tv & radio - 1. nov. 2019 - at. 22:16 Surprising announcement about Umuts exit: Unprofessional!

The cheerful coke's departure has sent shock waves through the remaining six pairs, and it is not only on the stage, that his absence can be felt.

- There have been a little more quiet in the corridors than there used to be, says Michael Olesen.

- Umut not only creates a party on the dance floor, he also creates a party inside the back, so I could feel it was different today, but we have full respect for his decision, complements the Neel Rønholt.

is the couple happy with their performance despite the unpleasant situation on Friday night. Specifically, they were excited for the evening's theme.

- To stand on the stage was great. I had made me insanely much to get all this stuff in your head and get it here obese clothes on, says Michael Olesen.

- It went absolutely fantastic. I'm really happy. What then has happened the last few days, do to the circumstances around has been boring. Therefore, I think it is even more important to respond back again with a lot of joy, good energy and love, he continues.

Film, tv & radio - 1. nov. 2019 - at. 23:01 In shock: - It is totally crazy

Updated: 02.11.2019 11:00