How to prepare healthy meals for your dog at home and cook cheap and ideal dishes

People try to reduce their expenses in a time of high inflation, and a varied diet is one of the issues of concern in the face of rising prices, along with many others.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
10 January 2024 Wednesday 10:35
7 Reads
How to prepare healthy meals for your dog at home and cook cheap and ideal dishes

People try to reduce their expenses in a time of high inflation, and a varied diet is one of the issues of concern in the face of rising prices, along with many others.

Given this scenario, one of the alternatives to the increase in feed prices is to also cook for the dog. However, no matter how domestic and affectionate it is, it does not eat the same as humans. That is why it is important to know how to prepare healthy meals for your dog at home.

Before entering the kitchen and looking for the ingredients, several questions must be taken into account. One of them is that dogs should not eat "leftovers", such as raw cow, pork or sheep organ meats. Also no expired foods, because all of them can be toxic.

Another issue is that several foods that people like very well can cause serious illnesses and even death in dogs. The prohibited list includes chocolate, coffee, avocado (because of its skin), grapes, onions, garlic and green tomatoes (unripe), among others. Also eggshells, raisins, mushrooms, sauces and products with lactose, such as milk or cheese.

In recent times, the BARF Diet "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food" (in English, Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) developed by Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst in the 1980s has gained popularity. In summary, it is made up of 60% bones with raw meat , beef heart or liver; 25% fish and 15% fruits and vegetables, also raw.

The BARF Diet has defenders and detractors, because it includes raw meat as its main ingredient. Possibly, Billinghurst has started from something true: wolves and wild dogs eat raw meat when they live in their habitat.

But domestic dogs, which live in cities next to people, do not have this habit. In addition, raw meat can be contaminated by Salmonella or E. colli bacteria, making it a real enemy for your health. Another dangerous element is bones, especially if they are splinterable, like chicken bones, because they can damage their digestive system or even suffocate them.

Dogs should follow a diet consisting of 30% protein (cooked meat); 35% carbohydrates (rice, noodles or polenta) and 35% fiber (pitted fruits and vegetables). All adjusted to your weight, age, constitution and health.

But these proportions are only indicative, because each animal has different nutritional needs, especially if they are puppies or adult animals. It is not enough to calculate your weight alone. Therefore, you must consult the veterinarian and replace the feed gradually.

On the other hand, homemade dishes should have few ingredients, four or five, because the dog's digestive system is different from that of humans.

Finally, know that puppies need four servings a day, that when they are over eight months old, two is enough, and that from two and a half years old and throughout adulthood it is possible that dogs only eat once a day.