Healthy basic foods that a nutritionist advises to have in the pantry

The nutritionist and content creator on TikTok @nutri.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
14 March 2024 Thursday 17:28
13 Reads
Healthy basic foods that a nutritionist advises to have in the pantry

The nutritionist and content creator on TikTok @nutri.andreaquirogat has published a video showing those healthy basic foods that cannot be missing in our pantry.

As Andrea points out, it is absolutely necessary to incorporate certain products into our daily diet so that it is as varied as possible. We tell you more below.

The TikToker begins by recommending a very popular product in Spanish homes: Greek yogurt. According to the content creator, the Vakimu Pro and Straal brand options are a must-have.

The nutritionist also emphasizes natural spices, with a view to giving our meals more flavor: oregano, paprika, ginger or garlic powder are some of the recommended ones.

Another of the products most recommended by nutritionists is cheese. Andrea recommends all kinds of options, from Cuisine brand cottage cheese

Finally, in the field of snacks or appetizers, the nutritionist opts for several options from the Mamalama brand. These are quinoa and peanut bars, also available with chocolate for those with a sweet tooth.