Calming signals: what you should know about the language of dogs

Although dogs cannot speak, they do know how to communicate with very clear signs and gestures, which their human guardians must know how to identify for a better relationship with your pet.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
04 July 2023 Tuesday 23:04
7 Reads
Calming signals: what you should know about the language of dogs

Although dogs cannot speak, they do know how to communicate with very clear signs and gestures, which their human guardians must know how to identify for a better relationship with your pet. There are certain canine behaviors that, strange as they may seem to you, have an explanation. With all of them, your four-legged friend tries to show you how he feels.

There are certain gestures with which your dog tells you that he loves you, but others also mean that he is stressed, uncomfortable, afraid or wants you to give him his space. Calming signals are a kind of language that dogs communicate with each other and with humans. Depending on which one they carry out, it can mean submission, stress, fear or that they are not liking something.

Dogs learn calming signals during their socialization period, during their first three months of life, in their relationship with their mother and siblings. If he is separated from his mother too early, he may not learn to communicate properly, leading to behavioral problems as well as difficulties relating to his own kind. But, as a general rule, all dogs understand this language that you must also understand. Although there are many calming signals, let's see the most common and their meaning.

This gesture can mean that they feel insecure when meeting another dog or human and want to show themselves "in peace". However, it is also a calming gesture to cordially greet other animals.

If your dog yawns when he just woke up, it's a sign of sleepiness. But in other contexts, yawning means discomfort or nervousness. Especially in situations such as a walk in an environment where he is not safe, while you are scolding him, at the vet or the dog groomer, in a training session... They are repeated yawns that are usually accompanied by other signs of calm such as lowering the head and put the ears back.

Head turns or looking away are clear signs that the dog is not comfortable, it feels uncomfortable. You must analyze the context to find out what is happening to him, because it may be a very noisy environment or he is asking you to respect his personal space.

Once again, we find ourselves before another gesture with a double meaning. If he smacks his lips while you show him a trinket, it's because he's eager to sink his teeth into it. But if he does it compulsively, he probably wants to let you know that he's uncomfortable or insecure.

When the dog shakes vigorously for no apparent reason – that is, without being wet or covered in something foreign – it is because it is trying to get rid of a feeling of stress, nervousness, fear or discomfort.