A waiter explains how to make an Americano coffee well and is showered with criticism

Sometimes the simplest things can be complicated, and preparing an Americano coffee is no exception.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
03 April 2024 Wednesday 17:20
3 Reads
A waiter explains how to make an Americano coffee well and is showered with criticism

Sometimes the simplest things can be complicated, and preparing an Americano coffee is no exception. Although it seems like you only have to add water to coffee, there are those who cannot find the right point. The key is in proportions and technique. In this sense, the TikTok account restobarlaspenhas has published a video in which they explain how to make a tomo y lomo Americano coffee.

The secret, as they reveal in their video, is in a specific order and meticulous care when mixing the ingredients. Compared to the custom of mixing water directly with coffee, they propose first preparing a quality espresso and then adding hot water, but with an important nuance: avoiding direct contact between the water in the coffee maker and the coffee.

This method not only avoids the risk of burning the coffee, but also allows the consumer to adjust the strength of their drink according to their personal preferences, offering a more personal and rewarding experience.

Attention to detail is essential in this process, from the selection of the appropriate tableware, which must have a minimum capacity of 180 ML, to the precise management of the water temperature, which should not exceed 90 degrees Celsius. These recommendations guarantee that the coffee maintains its optimal quality and flavor without alterations.

From this account they have clarified that, although there is a variant in which the water is served first, known as Long Black, its objective is to preserve the quality of the espresso, incorporating the water later to achieve the desired dilution.

Although this recipe has not convinced practically anyone. A user has disagreed and pointed out that an Americano "is not made that way either", since according to her experience there is a better option: "First the water and in the same glass then you pour the espresso... Much better presentation with all its cream in the same glass."

Another has assured that "water first and then the espresso", which is something "of a lifetime". A user, for his part, has mocked the account for the fact about the burnt coffee: "Hahahahahahahahahahaha according to him, the coffee burns, after it was roasted at a temperature higher than that at which it was prepared."