What are the benefits of cayenne flower for hair?

In order to have hair that is as healthy, strong and beautiful as possible, we often resort to popular solutions such as cutting the ends, doing a hydration treatment at the hairdresser or buying that mask that has been so recommended to you.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
16 November 2023 Thursday 10:16
5 Reads
What are the benefits of cayenne flower for hair?

In order to have hair that is as healthy, strong and beautiful as possible, we often resort to popular solutions such as cutting the ends, doing a hydration treatment at the hairdresser or buying that mask that has been so recommended to you. But the truth is that there are also natural remedies that promise sensational hair results.

This is the case of the cayenne flower, which responds to the scientific name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and is also known as China rose, poppy and hibiscus. It belongs to the Malvaceae family and is a species native to East Asia. It was used in traditional Chinese medicine, thanks to its analgesic and astringent properties. But, for some time now, it is growing in popularity for its benefits for hair.

Now that you know the excellent benefits of cayenne flower for hair, the only thing left to do is know how to use it to get the most out of it. You will need seven fresh cayenne flowers and a cup of water, preferably mineral. Keep in mind that quantities may vary depending on the amount and length of your hair.

Put the water and flowers in a pot and bring them to a boil over medium-low heat, without boiling. When you see that the water turns a dark color and the texture thickens, similar to gelatin, turn off the heat. Let the flowers sit in the water for about 10 minutes and then strain the water.

Take the resulting water and apply it to your hair as if it were a rinse, letting it sit for at least half an hour. During this time, you can put on a shower cap, as this will generate more heat that will help the water penetrate your hair fibers better. Finally, wash your hair normally.