Sánchez celebrates the result in Euskadi to promote a socialist victory in Catalonia

After the “extraordinary results” achieved by the socialist Eneko Andueza on Sunday in Euskadi, by achieving 30,000 more votes than in the 2020 elections and adding two more seats that now place him in a “position of strength” to negotiate the composition of the new Basque government with the PNV, Pedro Sánchez has shown himself to be “very happy.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
21 April 2024 Sunday 16:25
6 Reads
Sánchez celebrates the result in Euskadi to promote a socialist victory in Catalonia

After the “extraordinary results” achieved by the socialist Eneko Andueza on Sunday in Euskadi, by achieving 30,000 more votes than in the 2020 elections and adding two more seats that now place him in a “position of strength” to negotiate the composition of the new Basque government with the PNV, Pedro Sánchez has shown himself to be “very happy.” And he has assured, before the PSOE executive meeting this Monday in Ferraz, that this is “the recipe” and the model to follow to achieve an even more resounding electoral victory for Salvador Illa on May 12 in Catalonia.

As stated by the spokesperson for the PSOE executive, Esther Peña, Sánchez highlighted in the internal meeting “the well-done substantive work” that Andueza has carried out in Euskadi. The formula, she has highlighted, is “well-worked leadership in the territory”, talking “about the things that interest people” and deploying a powerful social agenda. The President of the Government has been convinced that "this is the recipe that will possibly lead us to magnificent results also in Catalonia." In Ferraz they consider an electoral victory for Illa on 12-M in Catalonia to be certain, even more forceful than in the last Catalan elections, although they admit that being able to govern will be another story.

The leader of the PSOE, Peña has assured, will in any case be fully involved in the PSC's electoral campaign, "by land, sea and air." Next Thursday, Sánchez is scheduled to participate in the start of the socialist campaign in Sabadell.

The “strong point” of the PSE, as highlighted by Ferraz's spokesperson, is that it has been “able to set its own agenda” in the coalition government with the PNV in Euskadi, for example by forcing the subsidy of public transport. And she has assured that she has “a project and her own identity” that she exercises from the institutions. A “own voice” that is also attributed in the leadership of the PSOE to Illa himself and to the sister party of the PSC.

Esther Peña has once again reproached Alberto Núñez Feijóo's PP, on the other hand, for being incapable of understanding the political plurality and territorial diversity of Spain, by trying to export to Euskadi or Catalonia discourses that are barely understood beyond the M- 30 of Madrid. Which in her opinion keeps the PP “irrelevant” in Euskadi, Navarra or Catalonia. “Do you really think that there are 350,000 ETA members in Euskadi?” replied the PP spokesperson, referring to the votes garnered on Sunday by EH Bildu.

In the leadership of the PSOE they attribute a “reactive vote” in Euskadi or Catalonia to the PP's speech in Madrid. And they celebrate that the Basque elections have dealt a “blow of reality” to Feijóo's formation. “The PP does not understand Spain,” they say in Ferraz.