Sánchez announces that he will propose recognizing the Palestinian State in this legislature

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Saturday that this legislature will propose to the Cortes Generales "the recognition of the Palestinian State by Spain", as it is, as he has defended, "the only way for two states, Israel and Palestine, can live and coexist in peace.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
08 March 2024 Friday 21:20
12 Reads
Sánchez announces that he will propose recognizing the Palestinian State in this legislature

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Saturday that this legislature will propose to the Cortes Generales "the recognition of the Palestinian State by Spain", as it is, as he has defended, "the only way for two states, Israel and Palestine, can live and coexist in peace.”

The leader of the Spanish Executive has made this commitment in an event organized to honor José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero on the 20th anniversary of his first electoral victory. The event took place in Bilbao in order to support Eneko Andueza's candidacy for lehendakari in the elections on April 21 and, also, to remember Zapatero's contribution to the end of ETA, which the former president himself has highlighted as the milestone that he remembers most from his two mandates. “No one will take away from history that with a socialist lehendakari and a socialist president, ETA's violence was put to an end,” the former president has indicated.

The commitment made on Palestine, however, has eclipsed the rest of the content of the speeches of Sánchez, Zapatero and Andueza. “In this legislature I will propose to the Cortes Generales the recognition of the Palestinian State by Spain. "Out of moral conviction, for a just cause and because it is the only way for two States, Israel and Palestine, to live and coexist in peace," he expressed.

Zapatero himself had spoken minutes before about the war in Gaza, stressing that what is being experienced in the strip is "unbearable", where "70% of those killed by the bombs are women and children." “The horizon must be to abolish war, as slavery was abolished in its day,” he stated.

Aside from this important commitment, the event has sought to focus the script "on the social advances" that, as they have stressed, come from the socialist governments, establishing a line of continuity between the Zapatero and Sánchez Executives, and claiming, at the same time, the role of the PSE in the Basque coalition governments with the PNV. “The authentic revolution is the one that is published in the Official State Gazette. It is not enough for us to be right; “We want to win elections to govern and transform,” he indicated.

In this sense, the act has been a vindication of the social advances achieved by the Zapatero governments, from the conquest of marriage between people of the same sex to the dependency law, and a defense, also, of the management of the current Executive.

Pedro Sánchez, however, has been forced to stop at the two issues with which the PP tries to wear down his Government from the opposition: the Koldo case and the recently approved Amnesty Law.

“There is no good corruption and bad corruption. There are parties that protect, protect and institutionalize this corruption, and others, like the PSOE, that nip it in the bud,” he limited himself to pointing out the first question.

In relation to the Amnesty Law, he has claimed the need to close this issue to improve coexistence in Spain and address the problems "that concern citizens." “To those who have doubts about the Amnesty Law, I want to tell them to trust, since with the pardons and the Amnesty Law we are making a stronger Spanish democracy and, therefore, a stronger Spain. Advancing on this path of reconciliation and harmony will allow us to focus on the real problems of our time, those that concern citizens,” he indicated.

Previously, Zapatero has predicted that in four or five years they will organize an event to celebrate the situation that will be experienced in Catalonia, "just as we are celebrating in Bilbao the end of ETA's violence."

Sánchez has also attacked the PP's way of opposing the opposition, linking it to "the lies and infamies" of the Government of José María Aznar after the 11-M attacks. “The founding act of the rampant right that we are experiencing in Spain was the great lie of 11-M,” he indicated.