Junts is now putting pressure on Sánchez with the referendum: "If the State refuses, colorín colorado"

While the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, tries to pour water on the agreement between the PSOE and Junts on the delegation of powers over immigration to the Generalitat, the post-convergent formation insists that the Catalan Administration will be able to manage " comprehensive" of immigration and add pressure on the Government with the self-determination referendum.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
14 January 2024 Sunday 15:26
3 Reads
Junts is now putting pressure on Sánchez with the referendum: "If the State refuses, colorín colorado"

While the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, tries to pour water on the agreement between the PSOE and Junts on the delegation of powers over immigration to the Generalitat, the post-convergent formation insists that the Catalan Administration will be able to manage " comprehensive" of immigration and add pressure on the Government with the self-determination referendum. "If the State refuses, colorado," the general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, said this Monday on TV-3's Els Matins.

Questioned about some statements by the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in which he said that “no one can guarantee that there will not be a referendum,” he responded that “of course, no one can guarantee it.” “We are the first to say that there will be,” said Turull, who has reiterated that the only thing that can “remove legitimacy” from 1-O and the unilateral declaration of independence is “a referendum linked to and agreed upon with the State.” “That is why we are in this agreement in which we will put in the good and the best so that this goes well,” he highlighted.

"The matters linked to the expulsion of immigrants are residing in the General Administration of the State," the head of the Executive said yesterday in an interview in El Pais, alleging the Statute, the Constitution and the recent EU immigration and asylum pact, which came to warn that the delegation of powers could not be comprehensive.

"What we agreed on was that the political decision was made that, through an organic law, powers would be delegated to the Generalitat for the comprehensive management of immigration in Catalonia," Turull replied in an interview in which he insisted that This includes "all the powers so that the Generalitat can make a complete policy" on immigration.

After acknowledging that they did not agree on the content of the organic law, the Junts leader explained that now it is time to negotiate the law "with a logic and an objective: to have comprehensive management of immigration policies in Catalonia", and has insisted that This management must involve "all the powers, however, because otherwise it is no longer comprehensive", which is, as he has reiterated, what the PSOE committed to.

Questioned about the reductions in this regard that are made by the central government and particularly by the head of the Executive, Turull has indicated that Sánchez also said that "the amnesty law was unconstitutional and now he holds rallies defending its constitutionality." He has also revealed that in the negotiation the PSOE proposed the management task on immigration, a figure that he has defined as "I make the policy and you do the paperwork", something that Junts rejected.

On the other hand, Turull has come out against the accusations that have been made against his group of being xenophobic for wanting the Generalitat to have the power to expel repeat immigrants. At this point he wanted to separate the problem of recidivism from immigration. We must act on multiple incidences, whether from here or abroad, argued the general secretary of Junts, because "it affects coexistence and security" and he has opted to address the issue by understanding that "what people do not want is that due to laziness it is not addressed".

Regarding immigration, Turull has highlighted that since their formation they want that, "for all immigrants from Catalonia, their reference institution is the Generalitat."

Regarding the presentation of possible partial amendments to the amnesty law, whose deadline ends tomorrow at 6:00 p.m., Turull explained that it is a debate "between lawyers to protect the law much more" in case someone believes that there may be "a crack ", since the judicial leadership "wants to try to boycott it." “It is a strictly legal discussion that the lawyers of the political groups that have supported it are having,” the independence leader stressed.