Wind turbine-anger: It blows almost not in Viborg

In the spring of 2016, filed 2 large land owners application for Viborg Municipality about the establishment of between eight and ten 150 meter high wind turbin

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
19 February 2020 Wednesday 06:00
51 Reads
Wind turbine-anger: It blows almost not in Viborg

In the spring of 2016, filed 2 large land owners application for Viborg Municipality about the establishment of between eight and ten 150 meter high wind turbines on their land down to the Tjele Langsø.

- 1 year later, the project was rejected.

(screenshot from lokalplanforslaget)

a Citizen of the protests was therefore taken to follow, and the then-mayor said, that there was room for more wind turbines in the municipality.

- It was reported that the only place you could set up mills were at the military training zone in Finderup.

so begins His L, Bent, Niels, Nancy, David, Elisabeth , Joseph, His. Jette and Orla a letter to the nation! about the wind turbines that are on the road in the scenic area near Tjele Langsø.

See the proposal here (pdf)

His friends think not that they make sense, that now again is the life of the project – it is blowing f.ex. not much in the area, and there are also some geese, who can be bored by the turbines.
Your letter – as a nation! have asked Viborg Municipality, comment on – will therefore continue to:

- At the beginning of 2017 starts Apple as a construction of the data center in Foulum.

- The 2 owners to submit re-application in the spring of 2018 but now with the European Energy – Apple's partner, as mølleopstiller.

- the Project is - as we see it is still illegal as it borders up to the EU bird area. According to the rules there must be a buffer zone of 500m. m. for the natura 2000/spa.

- Curiously - but very convenient for the applicants - is repealed the territory's status as a spa in november 2018 at magistrel decision!

- we believe That is illegal, because the EU needs to approve the changes in the EU habitat sites, and it is known to us that has not happened.

- We also believe that the municipality is violating the other rules for the vindmølleopsætning, which precisely in its objective, has committed itself to safeguarding the above-mentioned natura 2000 area, which relate in particular to the heritage of the scandinavian Taiga taiga bean goose, which has autumn/winter fourageringsområde in and around Tjele Langsø.

- Denmark has signed an international agreement to protect taigasædgåsen.

Protests against the project have been submitted by bl. a. Denmark Ornitologske Association, the Swedish Ornithological Association, Aarhus University and the Danish society for nature conservation. 600 citizens have the protest signed.

- With an electricity consumption equivalent to 4% of Denmark – 1400 Gigawat – equivalent to the production from 150-200 wind turbines - Apple would like to be ’green’ .

- The 8 wind turbines visions because of something, but in comparison with the above consumption of a pure ’paradeprojekt’.

- Even should they be in one of the most vindfattige areas in DK.

the Map from the company shows wind of 45 m in height, but something suggests to critics of wind turbines in denmark, have the right. (Screenshot from

- But - as in several other conditions in Viborg Municipality – citizens are not heard, writes His, Bent, Niels, Nancy, David, Elisabeth , Joseph, His. Jette and Orla, but in the response the municipality has sent on the nation's! three questions, indicating the municipality's director of Engineering & the Environment, citizens have been given two opportunities to protest:

Citizens is in their good right to think what they will, and they have also had the opportunity to draw attention to their opinions.

- When we are planning a vindmølleområde, the law says that there must be two consultation processes.

- Here, citizens can make comments, questions and views, etc. Everything goes on to the politicians, which is hearing the case, and it is part on the way in the decision, the politicians soon to be taking. As in all other major construction projects.

- Taiga sædgæssene is an animal species in need of protection. Viborg Municipality must make an assessment of the impact on the environment (so called EIA report), in which the evs. made up wind turbines.

the Report is made, it has been in the hearing and must now be treated in the Climate and the Environment committee - and, finally, in the city council.

- It appears from the environmental report that wind resources in the area is average, writes His Jørn Laursen, director of Engineering & the Environment, from the Viborg Municipality, but what do you say?

Updated: 19.02.2020 06:00