"Rufián is wrong when he puts us in his sights"

Jéssica Albiach (1979) is aware that the successes of her formation will be valued, to a large extent, for the smooth running of the coalition government, which is why she emphasizes the recovery of relations between ERC and Moncloa.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
24 June 2022 Friday 16:54
13 Reads
"Rufián is wrong when he puts us in his sights"

Jéssica Albiach (1979) is aware that the successes of her formation will be valued, to a large extent, for the smooth running of the coalition government, which is why she emphasizes the recovery of relations between ERC and Moncloa. In Catalonia, after two years approving the budgets of the Generalitat, the leader of the commons in the Parliament is not closed to repeating the agreement, even to baste a tripartite in the next legislature.

It is said that you have more feeling with Pere Aragonès than with Salvador Illa...

My role is to push the action of the Government towards the priorities of the citizenry and I cannot share the direction it is taking, from one failed macroproject to another failed macroproject. Nor do I share Illa's type of opposition, giving away votes instead of negotiating. Together, ERC and the PSC have created the coalition of the ball, agreeing, despite their fights, to expand the airport, for the Winter Games, save Minister Cambray or share the chairs.

The airport, the Olympics, the Midcat, the Hermitage... Can Catalonia afford to miss out on so many opportunities?

For me they are not opportunities, they are threats. Catalonia must be able to choose, but not between failed macroprojects, but rather a real opportunity. Each macro project that we have mentioned has not fallen by its own weight. It is not just about environmentalism, but about realism and common sense.

How do you rate the action of the Government of Aragonès?

The Government is invaded by paralysis and resignation. To deal with the brutal crisis that we are suffering, he has dedicated one and a half million euros and in the Olympics. More than half a million has been spent. In addition, the health workforce has not been reinforced, the worst Minister of Education remains, no progress is being made in the area of ​​housing and the commitment to macro-projects has not ceased.

Will you support next year's budgets again?

It depends on what they offer us. It remains to be seen if the current one is being fulfilled, but it will depend on the degree of ambition and commitments. If they go along the lines of the anti-crisis decree they won't be able to count on us, but if there is room to negotiate we will sit down.

Has the bloc policy disappeared or will it return with the municipal campaign?

We are at a different point. The Catalan agreement had to be the first of many, but we have seen a coalition between Junts, PSC and ERC, when something more transversal can be done.

After the budget agreement ERC said no to the labor reform, to the National Security law, to the anti-crisis measures...

I would like the ERC to understand that we are all in the same boat and that the progressive and investiture forces have to agree to build an alternative to the PP. ERC is wrong: punishing the Government punishes citizens.

The relationship between ERC and the Government has been poisoned by espionage, investments, the Olympic Games. or the dialogue table. This harms you.

Everything has to be demanded from the central government but it is necessary to negotiate, that is why the meeting between Sánchez and Aragonès is important. The level of budget execution in Catalonia is unsustainable, a historical offense, and complaining and excusing yourself is fine, but PSOE and ERC have to get involved. We have proposed creating an investment monitoring office in Catalonia.

What do you expect from the meeting between Sánchez and Aragonès?

I'm glad it got done. Now it needs to bear fruit, there is little more than a year left in the legislature and it is vital that Catalonia has conquests for the people, because it is about justice, and because it is the best way to stop those of the 'when worse, better'.

ERC says that it will not leave the dialogue table. Could this change due to pressure from Junts?

I value the position of ERC in this regard. It is intelligent and strategic because the only way to resolve conflicts is through dialogue. We know that there are constant contacts and meetings between governments but the important thing is that they begin to bear fruit, and here the PSOE has to move.

What happens to Rufián?

I don't know what's wrong with Rufián...

Is there an ERC strategy in Madrid to go after you?

Yes, it is evident. Rufián doesn't like us very much, but ERC has to be an ally and you can't make the wrong opponent. Rufián is wrong when he puts us in his sights because we should be allies; do more politics and less tweets.

You warn of the new bipartisanship of yellows and reds (ERC and PSC). Aren't they doomed to understand each other?

He warned of the way of acting of the old parties, who criticize each other in public but agree in the offices. We are condemned to understand each other but I think they are not so clear.

Do you see yourself forming a tripartite in the next legislature?

The most important thing is to do what. They won't be able to count on us to bring macro-projects, but to improve people's lives, yes. The most important thing when talking about a government is to do what.

How do you see the role that Podemos is playing in Yolanda Díaz's project?

Yolanda will open a new stage in politics and in the way of doing it that goes beyond parties, and with the role she has in the Government she is showing that she knows how to manage and transform. From here, we add all, not just the parties. And United We Can and En Comú Podem agree on the essentials.

If Podemos does not support Yolanda Díaz, it can happen as in Andalusia, that the division will take its toll.

You have to learn from experiences. But we will be all the parties and many people who feel challenged and who will find their place in a broader citizen platform.

Is the mission to sew up the space to the left of the PSOE or to make a new blanket?

We have not come to be anyone's left but to propose an exciting, inclusive and modern country project. We need an alternative country to the one the PP wants to offer.

Has part of the strategy collapsed due to the resignation of Mónica Oltra?

Mónica has been the victim of a brutal campaign by the extreme right but has decided to put the continuity of the Botànic ahead, while the emeritus or Rajoy continue to roam with total impunity. We are not like them and I am convinced that their innocence will be proven.

Why do you think it doesn't give the government so much work?

We have had to govern in very complex moments. People are having a hard time and it is normal that there is a certain disaffection, but there is still a year and a half of the legislature to comply with the coalition agreements and the fruits will be seen.