These are the 12 best breast pumps to choose from: manual, electric, double and hands-free

WHO and UNICEF recommend breastfeeding as exclusive food for newborns up to 6 months of age, as it provides babies with all the nutrients they need to grow and for their immune system to fully develop.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
14 March 2023 Tuesday 04:06
16 Reads
These are the 12 best breast pumps to choose from: manual, electric, double and hands-free

WHO and UNICEF recommend breastfeeding as exclusive food for newborns up to 6 months of age, as it provides babies with all the nutrients they need to grow and for their immune system to fully develop. They also advise that up to 2 years old they eat a combination of it with adequate and nutritious foods for their age.

Breastfeeding can be made difficult by situations in which the mother is not with her baby. For this reason, there is a great ally: the breast pump. If this feeding method is chosen, it can sometimes be hampered by situations in which the mother cannot be with her little one. For those moments, there is a great ally: the breast pump. They are breast pumps that, as their name suggests, are responsible for extracting breast milk from the mother's breasts.

The reasons for using it are diverse, among them the incorporation of the mother to work once the maternity leave is over, the start of nursery school by the baby, when the child is left in the care of another caregiver or due to medical problems due to part of the mother or the little one if they have to remain hospitalized.

There are different types, but their basic operation is similar and consists of imitating the sucking movements that the baby makes when breastfeeding. These are the main models of breast pumps and the best valued:

They are useful if you are going to extract milk sporadically, since it is not the most comfortable because the work has to be done by the mother, holding it with one hand and pumping to generate a vacuum with the other. They are quiet and cheaper than electric ones.

Some of the best rated are:

In these models, the work is done by the motor that is in charge of carrying out the extraction practically automatically. To do this, they must be connected to the power outlet.

Some of the best rated are:

They express milk in both breasts simultaneously. They are very useful when you express milk frequently or have little time, since the time is cut in half.

It is placed inside the bra and allows you to continue doing your work or your usual tasks without being noticed.

Some of the best rated are: