Taurine, how to obtain this nutrient that can delay aging

It is well known that food plays a fundamental role in our health and aging.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
03 December 2023 Sunday 16:35
12 Reads
Taurine, how to obtain this nutrient that can delay aging

It is well known that food plays a fundamental role in our health and aging. We know that foods rich in antioxidants prevent cellular deterioration, combat oxidative stress and strengthen the immune system. Likewise, there are other foods that are especially beneficial for our brain, our cognitive ability and our memory.

But there is a nutrient that also has notable power in delaying aging that you probably haven't noticed until now: taurine. It is a common component in the formulations of energy drinks and other sports supplements, but the human body itself produces this amino acid in the liver, while we can obtain it from foods of animal origin.

A study published in June of this year in the journal Science showed that taurine has the power to delay aging in mice, macaques and possibly also in people. The research, led by Columbia University in New York (United States), highlighted that this nutrient attenuates biological processes typical of aging, such as inflammation, oxidation, cellular senescence, poor functioning of mitochondria and lack of of telomerase.

The research, which lasted a decade, found how taurine supplements extended life by more than 10% in mice and worms. In addition to this, his health also improved, with greater muscle strength, better coordination, greater bone density, better memory, less anxiety, better respiratory function and better functioning of all the organs and tissues analyzed. In macaques they tested how it improved glucose control, liver function, body weight, bone density and the immune system.

On the other hand, they discovered that in humans the level of taurine in the blood decreases by 80% throughout life. A decrease in this amino acid leads to more inflammation, more abdominal fat, a greater risk of type 2 diabetes and worse blood sugar control. Despite this, researchers point out that it is still necessary to continue studying the benefits of taking taurine supplements in people. Therefore, a good method to acquire this nutrient is by eating foods where it is naturally present.