You will erase the reproach to ERC that

“52% of the people who voted on February 14, 2021 did not trust us to try to find strategies to accommodate ourselves in autonomy.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
23 August 2022 Tuesday 06:31
28 Reads
You will erase the reproach to ERC that

“52% of the people who voted on February 14, 2021 did not trust us to try to find strategies to accommodate ourselves in autonomy. Because as long as the objectives are limited to achieving small quotas of regional power, it is clear that we are moving away from the great objective, which is independence”. Laura Borràs has been in charge this noon of closing the days of the Universitat Catalana d'Estiu, which are held in Prada de Conflent and has done so by giving a slap on the ears to the independence parties. With self-criticism included, considering that she is the president of Junts. “The parties have to be an instrument to make the desires of the people come true. And it was evidenced with the 1-O”. But it is evident that the ERC's ears have whistled more: in these considerations there is an amendment to the dialogue table between the Spanish and Catalan governments.

Likewise, Borràs has highlighted that it is false when it is said that “day in and day out that we are not enough, that the State is very powerful, that the mountain was very high and that independence is not possible now”. Another dart to Esquerra, which since 2018 has been committed to continuing to add supporters to the independence cause.

In fact, Borràs has gone so far as to underline that those who maintain these last affirmations pretend that “from saying it so much they want it to be a self-fulfilling prophecy”. For the president of JxCat, the majority does exist to advance towards independence, and it is only necessary, in her opinion, her will and political planning. “Independence today is necessary, essential and cannot be postponed”, she added. In this sense, she has recalled that the president of the Generalitat in his investiture speech "committed to making possible the culmination of independence".

There has been more veiled criticism of ERC. Since assuming the presidency of the Generalitat, Aragonès has influenced the idea of ​​the four transformations: social, ecological, feminist and democratic (advance towards independence). Today, Borràs has highlighted that "the order of the factors does alter the result" and has rejected anyone who is committed to self-determination "but only if it is from the left, or feminist, or environmentalist, or under an acronym". "This attitude is the best recipe for failure; the goal can only be achieved if we are all in it," she insisted.

Throughout her speech at the conference “Does parliamentarism have limits?”, the leader of Junts has tried to avoid any reference to the oral trial she has pending for crimes of prevarication and false documents or her suspension from duties as deputy and president of the Parliament . She has only done so during an attention to the journalists before going to the room, when she has replied to Pere Aragonès. The president summoned Borràs to resign as president of the Parliament in order to put an end to the “interim situation”. "It seems strange that the cause of this situation should be made responsible to those who suffer from it," Borràs responded.

Even so, he has also referred to his suspension during the conference. Yes, very briefly. For Borràs, "a biased use of the regulation has been made" and he has denounced that "some politicians have also decided to act as judges" and judge it "in advance, with too much frivolity, with political intent and partisan interest."

Borràs has also criticized this partisanship when he has reviewed the parliamentary activity during the 16 months that he has presided over the Parliament. Thus, he has asserted that the parliamentary system and its functioning is "kidnapped by the partisanship and party interests."