The PSC will oppose the Junts amendments but maintains its own to the Basic Income

PSC and Junts have joined forces this Friday to eliminate the pilot plan on universal basic income in the budget accompanying law -known as the law of measures-, after the Socialists maintained their amendment on this issue despite the request of the Government of ERC to withdraw it.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
03 March 2023 Friday 03:25
17 Reads
The PSC will oppose the Junts amendments but maintains its own to the Basic Income

PSC and Junts have joined forces this Friday to eliminate the pilot plan on universal basic income in the budget accompanying law -known as the law of measures-, after the Socialists maintained their amendment on this issue despite the request of the Government of ERC to withdraw it.

In the vote on the amendments to the law of measures in the Economy and Finance Commission, the motion of the Socialists has prospered with the votes of their group, Junts, Cs, Vox and PP, while Republicans, Comuns and CUP have voted against.

The law of measures set the monthly allowance of the participants in this pilot plan at 800 euros -at 300 if they are minors- and provided that the Government would approve the "necessary economic endowment" to implement it when the regulations that regulate it come into force.

On the other hand, the PSC plans to oppose the amendments that Junts has registered on the B-40, the expansion of El Prat airport and the promotion of the Hard Rock, as announced by the spokesperson for the socialist parliamentary group, Alícia Romero, who He has remarked that although they agree with the three initiatives, they have an agreement with the Government that they want to maintain. "We have managed to get ERC to move, to unlock important projects, and we are loyal to the agreement," Romero stressed.

On the contrary, he has explained that they would maintain the amendment to the basic income because, as he has said, the Government did not agree with the Socialists on the text and presented it "without the knowledge" of the PSC.