Motorcycle, sidecar and capoeira

I speak with people close to Laura Borràs and they consider that the head of the Junts independents has managed to break Jordi Turull, who has not dared to confront the president of Parliament at the next party congress.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
18 May 2022 Wednesday 05:46
5 Reads
Motorcycle, sidecar and capoeira

I speak with people close to Laura Borràs and they consider that the head of the Junts independents has managed to break Jordi Turull, who has not dared to confront the president of Parliament at the next party congress. I speak with people close to Turull and they affirm that the ex-conseller has achieved a better agreement than it seems, despite such significant details as the new secretary of organization is in total obedience to the "filla del Primer d'Octubre". Those of Turull add that they have everything under control and that they will be able to stop the future president of the acronym. Those of Borràs are also convinced that they will know how to impose themselves on the secretary general.

You don't have to be Nostradamus to predict that the fight between Borràs and Turull for the effective command of Junts will be very tough and daily, a fight that they will represent as capoeira (to hide the bad image) but it will actually be a kickboxing match . We are told that, with the move to Puigdemont's side, there will be a dual leadership that will take advantage of the best of Borràs' popular drive and the best of Turull's experience. It is a story that neither party believes. The objective of one and the other is to make decisions according to their respective plans, which have nothing to do with each other.

For example, Borràs was against Junts entering the Government with ERC, while Turull, like Jordi Sànchez (with Josep Rull and Joaquim Forn), did everything possible to forge an agreement with Aragonès. The review of the pact with the Republicans will be submitted to the militancy shortly, an issue that promises great evenings. Puigdemont preferred Junts to remain in the opposition and provide occasional support to ERC, but the possibilistic determination of the post-convergence expresses was the key factor that allowed for a bipartisan Executive.

The La Vanguardia poll indicates that Junts is regressing and has a voter loyalty below that enjoyed by the ERC and the CUP, and does not attract voters from other parties either. How to avoid this fall? The motorcycle and the sidecar. This is the image that Junts will offer when, at the June congress, they elect Borràs as president and Turull as general secretary. This dualism is not new. Let's remember the distribution of roles between Jordi Pujol and Miquel Roca in Convergència, something that worked well until the latter raised his finger to say that he was willing to become the successor.

It is inevitable to see in the struggle between Borràs and Turull yet another confrontation between the officials of anti-politics and the supporters of politics. It is not just that Borràs advocates a purist and tautological independence movement, it is that she is surrounded by an environment specialized in promising scenarios of disobedience that do not match institutional responsibility. Borràs's advantage has been, until now, to cover up this screeching contradiction with an increasingly self-referential emotional rhetoric.