Foods that help heal and eliminate skin blemishes

Although there are many reasons why spots appear on the skin, sun exposure continues to be, by far, the main cause of the appearance of not only spots, but also moles and diseases such as melasma and keratosis.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
24 March 2024 Sunday 10:27
6 Reads
Foods that help heal and eliminate skin blemishes

Although there are many reasons why spots appear on the skin, sun exposure continues to be, by far, the main cause of the appearance of not only spots, but also moles and diseases such as melasma and keratosis. .

According to Dr. Alberto Pérez Espadero, plastic and reconstructive surgeon at the Reconstructive Surgery Unit of the University Hospital of Valencia and Clínica Pérez Espadero, “the sun accumulates over the years, and the appearance of spots as it goes away “Aging is nothing more than the result of prolonged exposure over time.” The specialist assures that “stains are one of the main reasons for consultation, since they cause a lot of complexes. Although there are effective depigmentation creams, in many cases techniques such as laser are required, which have very good results."

Pérez Espadero assures that the only possible preventive measure against stains is “never exposing yourself to the sun directly.” The expert recalls, in this sense, that scientific evidence corroborates that skin that has been exposed to the sun for years is less hydrated, more wrinkled and has more spots than those that have not.

According to Lola Sopeña, CEO of Clínicas Lola Sopeña, “careless exposure to the sun causes dehydration and loss of elasticity, giving rise to wrinkled, withered and rough skin. That is, aged and unattractive. We must also remember that over the years the skin's recovery capacity decreases, in addition to spots appearing, so we must be increasingly careful."

To guarantee the synthesis of vitamin D, which is essential for the body and is obtained mainly through the sun's rays, Pérez Espadero recommends always exposing yourself to the sun indirectly, since “even when in the shade outdoors this vitamin can be absorbed.” synthesize, it is not necessary to lie for two hours on the beach to obtain it.”

In addition to spots (those on the face are usually the ones that worry those who have them the most), scars in visible places are also usually the reason for medical consultation. In this sense, Pérez Espadero remembers that “not all skin heals the same, so even if care is taken both when cutting and caring for the scar, there is a decisive genetic load when it comes to healing. Generally, light skin heals better than dark skin.”

Especially in the case of scars on the face, the doctor points out that there are a series of aspects to take into account to minimize their impact: “You must respect a series of tension lines in the skin when cutting, avoid exposure sun and eating a correct diet that helps speed up the healing process.”

Spots and wrinkles can also improve if certain dietary guidelines are followed, although we must not forget that factors such as "stress or lack of sleep, as well as tobacco, alcohol or drugs can aggravate the situation," as he explains. the dermatologist Miguel Aizpun, from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV). In any case, these are the food groups that should be incorporated into the diet to reduce spots and scars and recover, as far as possible, a certain homogeneity in the skin, as well as a brighter and healthier appearance.

Certain amino acids stimulate collagen synthesis, so consuming protein can be of great help to maintain skin health and prevent the appearance of spots. Although those of plant origin, unlike animal ones, do not contain all the essential amino acids, they are still essential in a healthy diet. Those of animal origin, however, are rich in amino acids, so it is advisable to ensure their consumption and, if not, look for alternative sources. The egg is one of the foods richest in protein, since it contains all the essential amino acids.

“Vitamin C is present in all skin processes, so it is interesting to guarantee regular consumption,” explains Pérez Espadero. The good news is that it is very present in our diet, in foods such as peppers, broccoli, eggplants, spinach, tomatoes or citrus fruits. Therefore, a priori it does not seem like a good idea to supplement this vitamin unless it is under medical prescription, since being water-soluble it is excreted through urine and what will ultimately happen is that our body will end up getting rid of the surplus.

Since nature is wise, summer fruits (the time of the sun) are very rich in vitamin C and, being light and refreshing, the body will constantly ask for them, so it is easy for your daily contribution be adequate in most diets. Sopeña, for its part, recommends increasing the consumption of citrus fruits, since “they are rich in flavonoids, phytonutrients that are attributed with the ability to protect against ultraviolet rays” and, therefore, prevent stains.

In the case of scars, omega 3 fatty acids are essential when it comes to reducing inflammation. These unsaturated fatty acids must be obtained through diet, since the body does not manufacture them on its own, and they are found mainly in blue fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies or mackerel, among others.

According to a research review published in the journal MediSur, the use of omega-3 fatty acids has a positive effect on the aging process in different organs through its action against oxidative stress. The study ensures that “fish oil and related active ingredients, such as PUFAs, omega 3 and omega-6, may be useful to improve the skin's barrier function, inhibit inflammation and hyperpigmentation induced by UV rays; attenuate skin dryness and itching caused by dermatitis, accelerate the healing of skin wounds and prevent the development of skin cancer.”

It is an essential mineral for the wound to heal, so it is advisable to guarantee its consumption during the postoperative period so that the scar evolves well. We must also not forget that many patients lose a certain amount of blood depending on the surgery, which can cause an iron deficiency that can be dangerous at different levels, both for the health of the dermis and for other functions of the body.

Keeping the skin hydrated is essential to delay the appearance of spots and improve the appearance of scars. In this sense, introducing a habit such as drinking water regularly (which can also be in the form of infusions, soups and creams), completely eliminating sun exposure and practicing regular exercise can mean for many patients a substantial improvement in the appearance of their skin. fur.

“It is never too late to incorporate habits, and stopping exposure to the sun is, without a doubt, one of them. Although it is around the age of 50 or 60 when the sun taken throughout life begins to take its toll on the skin, it is always a good time to slow down this process as much as possible.”