The PSC does not rule out a motion of censure if the budgets are extended

Neither the PSC nor the commons would understand a budget extension in Catalonia at a time of such economic difficulty and the socialists no longer rule out the scenario of a motion of censure against the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, if that situation finally comes about.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
19 October 2022 Wednesday 02:32
15 Reads
The PSC does not rule out a motion of censure if the budgets are extended

Neither the PSC nor the commons would understand a budget extension in Catalonia at a time of such economic difficulty and the socialists no longer rule out the scenario of a motion of censure against the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, if that situation finally comes about.

The spokesperson for the group Socialistes i Units per avançar, Alícia Romero, warned this shortly before Aragonès appeared in Parliament to explain the changes in the Government after Junts left. "We do not rule out anything but right now we do not have it in mind," Romero warned in statements to La 2 when asked about that possibility.

"Today we are offering to negotiate and discuss some budgets that seem essential to us, but if that does not finally happen and we go to a budget extension, which is a bad scenario for Catalonia, I think nothing can be ruled out and therefore we would talk Romero stated.

The idea of ​​a motion of censure was launched last week by the president of Ciutadans en Catalunya, Carlos Carrizosa, who urged the leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, to present it with the argument that he would prefer the socialist to the Republican at the head of the Generalitat to bury "an independence process that is dead".

In any case, Romero has assured that his formation has not held any conversations with the ERC "neither on budgets nor on anything" and has reminded Aragonès that he only has the support of 33 deputies. "A new investiture would not happen", she has warned him after summoning him to explain "what he wants to do, in what way and with whom" in the plenary session this Wednesday. "He knows that he may have support in the Chamber with one or the other and if he does not obtain it and we go to an extension it will be his responsibility," he has warned him.

The spokesman for the commons, David Cid, has also shown his "incomprehension" because Aragonés does not have "the will to build a stable majority" and can "give up 3,131 million euros" if he extends budgets. Cid has reproached Esquerra for not having a clear "what horizon to set in this legislature" and his "veto policy", which he has also described as "selective" after recalling the agreements of the Republicans with the socialites in the CCMA or in Madrid.

In addition, Cid has sent another notice to ERC about the 2023 accounts, warning that the commons are not going to accept the budgets of former Minister Jaume Giró (Junts), precisely Aragonès' argument to attract his former partners. "It does not make sense that it is Junts, already outside the Government, who marked the budgets", the spokesman for the commons has raised to add that "it is a brake".