Anna Simó will be in charge of Education after seeing her disqualification sentence completed on October 1st

Anna Simó, born in 1968 in Alamús (Lleida) but resident and forged in the municipal politics of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), will relieve Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray at the head of the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat, a department that in recent years it has been marked by constant arguments between the councilor and unions, teachers and students.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
11 June 2023 Sunday 16:23
13 Reads
Anna Simó will be in charge of Education after seeing her disqualification sentence completed on October 1st

Anna Simó, born in 1968 in Alamús (Lleida) but resident and forged in the municipal politics of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), will relieve Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray at the head of the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat, a department that in recent years it has been marked by constant arguments between the councilor and unions, teachers and students.

Anna Simó will have the challenge of turning around a ministry that has lived in constant upheaval since 2021, with successive strikes in the sector and Cambray's decision to advance the school year in September. Up to two times the Parliament tried to condemn Cambray, but it saved face, since then Junts was in the Government and the PSC and the commons loosened up.

The Republican has the confidence of Aragonès to reverse the situation. As the president himself recalled at a press conference, Simó presided over the Catalan School Council from June 11, 2018 to June 30, 2021 and was spokesman for Education for the Esquerra group in Parliament, conditions that, according to said Aragonès, "they endorse it and give it strength".

Simó is one of the four sovereignist members of Carme Forcadell's table, along with Lluís Corominas, Ramona Barrufet and Lluís Guinó, who were tried twice for disobedience to the Constitutional Court for processing the disconnection laws that gave the supposed legal basis to the referendum on independence from 1-O. The four were sentenced by the TSJC to 20 months of disqualification in 2020, but the Supreme Court ordered a repeat trial after upholding an appeal from Anna Simó, who alleged that she had violated her right to be tried by a judge. impartial. The resolution of the High Court focused on two magistrates: the president of the TSJC, Jesús María Barrientos, and magistrate Carlos Ramos.

After the repetition of the trial, the four were sentenced on May 31 to four months of disqualification, 16 months less than in the previous sentence, and also the TSJC declared the sentence served for "the time suffered from deprivation of the right to power attend electoral processes” from the first conviction.

Simó has extensive experience both in the Republican Party, in which he has been a member since 1990, and in Catalan institutions and was already in the Government of Pasqual Maragall (2003-2006) as Minister of Social Welfare and Family in the first left-wing tripartite . She was also vice-president of Parliament (2012-2015) and spokesperson for the parliamentary group (2008-2015) and councilor in the L'Hospitalet City Council (2003-2004).

In the party, Simó has also assumed relevant positions such as spokesperson and several other positions in the Executive, being important in various stages of the republican formation and with different leaderships such as Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira, Joan Puigcercós and the current by Oriol Junqueras.