Dead satellites a catastrophic threat

Thousands of inactive satellites floating around in space and pose a threat of catastrophic dimensions. It takes the president of The European Space Organizat

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
28 November 2019 Thursday 23:00
57 Reads
Dead satellites a catastrophic threat

Thousands of inactive satellites floating around in space and pose a threat of catastrophic dimensions.

It takes the president of The European Space Organization, Jan Wörner, who at a meeting in Seville has just stressed the importance of getting cleaned up in the room.

- There are about 4500 satellites in orbit about the earth. Only the 1500 is active. We work with a number of companies - including Airbus - to get the satellites removed. Space-harpuner and networks are among the tools that should be used, explained Jan Wörner.

Scientists have for years feared that the end-of-life satellites will hit active satellites, which among other things can mean that vital telecommunications in the whole world can collapse. Each time, a collision occurs in the room, there will be scattered more debris, which will increase the risk of several kollissioner.

- We have all sorts of debris flying around, and they constitute a very great danger, held Jan Wörner.

the President also called for space missions to rehearse the procedures to destroy or repel meteorites. A process in which the president compared with playing billiard in the room.

- Dinosauerne died probably due to a meteorite. We do not want to become extinct because of a meteorite, said Jan Wörner.

most satellites are found in the four banetyper, which means that the traffic around the Earth is not evenly distributed.

The four types of courses are:

Low orbits 300-800 kilometers above the Earth .Solsynkrone lanes 800-1.000 kilometers above the Earth .Medium orbits about 20,000 km above the Earth.The geostationary orbit is 36,000 km above the equator.

the Courses are described both by their height above the Ground and the so-called inclination. Banehældningen indicates the angle the line makes with the equator. For the geostationary orbit above the equator is banehældningen 0º, while banehældningen is 90º to a line which leads the satellite over the Earth's poles.


Updated: 28.11.2019 23:00