The Comuns Sumar lists for the Catalan elections of 12-M for each constituency

The list of Comuns Sumar that will be headed for the second time by Jéssica Albiach presents as the main novelty the presence of the mayor of El Prat de Llobregat, Lluís Mijoler, as number two, which is intended to highlight the environmentalist message and contrary to macroprojects such as the expansion of the airport of Barcelona.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
02 April 2024 Tuesday 16:35
8 Reads
The Comuns Sumar lists for the Catalan elections of 12-M for each constituency

The list of Comuns Sumar that will be headed for the second time by Jéssica Albiach presents as the main novelty the presence of the mayor of El Prat de Llobregat, Lluís Mijoler, as number two, which is intended to highlight the environmentalist message and contrary to macroprojects such as the expansion of the airport of Barcelona. The lawyer from the Iridia firm Andrés García Berrio, a human rights specialist, appears as number three, and the deputies Susanna Segovia, David Cid, Enric Bárcena and Núria Lozano repeat, followed by the former mayor of Montcada i Reixac, Laura Campos, and the former deputy in the Alícia Ramos Congress. Ada Colau and Joan Subirats close the list for Barcelona. Yolanda López, deputy for Podem Catalunya, will repeat as head of the list for Tarragona; The deputy in Congress Eloi Badia will head that of Girona, and Elena Ferre that of Lleida.

1 Jessica Albiach

2Lluis Mijoler

3Andres Berrio

4Susanna Segovia

5David Cid

6Nuria Lozano

7Enric Bárcena

8Laura Campos

9Alicia Ramos

10 Ramon Arnabat

11Jordi Manils

12Aurora Huerga

13Albert Marañon

14 Aïda Llaurado

15 John Roca

16Agnès Petit

17Sergi Morales

18Nat Martinez

19Tamar Zamora

20 Arnau Martí

21 Irene Aldabert

22Lorena Dominguez

23Jordi Gil

24Daniel Cruz

25Pablo Ramos

26 Dew Dragging

27Martha Cedeño

28Ivan Martos Aguilar

29 Xavier López

30 Irene Milena

31 Lucas Estruch

32Marina Rodríguez

33Munsa Mompio

34Antonio Molina

35Daniel Jiménez Hernández

36Eva Guerra Manzano

37Marta Castillo

38Xavier Recio

39Xio Gutiérrez

40Pablo Guerrero

41Juani Pérez

42Laura Ondoño

43Lola Castro

44Joan Comorera

45Raúl Montesinos

46Rosa Perea

47 Estefania Navarro

48 Pol Rovira

49Jordi Arnaiz Moreno

50Diego Marchante

51Antonio Segura

52Alba Llatjós

53Margarita Pérez Costa

54Laura Oliva

55Guille Chirino

56Blanca Valero

57Tania Espinosa Ruiz

58Miguel Mansergas

59Alberto Jurado

60José Gómez

61Arantza Molina

62Alexandra López

63Rocío Luna Guibourg

64Alex Pérez

65Yassine Marsou

66Loren Rider

67 Montse Clapers

68Ancor Table

69Albert Guasch

70Arnau Morales

71Núria Romero

72Tamara Vergel

73Vanessa Navarro Lozano

74Santi Cayuela

75 Jordi Pedrol

76Sarai Martínez

77Jaume Bosch

78Isa Gutiérrez

79Jaume Funes

80Carme Borrell

81 Salvador Milan

82Fatima Ahmed

83Joan Carles Gallego

84 John Subirats

85 Ada Colau

S1Iolanda Sánchez

S2M Ángeles Ríos

S3Luis Davo

S4 Elisa Miralles

S5Toni Ribs

S6Cristina Poveda

S7Anna Winkleman

S8Marc Calvo

S9Yolanda Ojeda

S10Victor Aloras

1Eloi Badia

2Anna Portillo

3 Jordi Lloveras

4Salma Laughzaoui

5Victor Catalán

6 Claudia Mallart

7Raul Valls

8 Sarah Williams

9Dani Hernandez

10Rosario Garcia

11Tarik Cheriha

12Lis Brusa

13 Andreu Acosta

14Stella Gonzalez

15Albert Pons

16 Julia Boada

17 Quim Brugué

S1 Elena Parreño

S2Roberto Martínez

S3 Marisol González

S4Victoria Salvadó

S5Marc Vidal

S6Eugènia Pascual

S7Joan Salmeron

1 Yolanda Lopez Fernández

2Mario Téllez Molina

3Antonia Garcia Bascuñana

4Alex Torcal

5Carolina Burgos

6 Josep Casadó

7Maria del Carmen Cámara

8Alejandro Fernandez García

9Teresa Vallverdú

10Jesus Peña

11Juan Manuel Telechea Mondino

12 Montse Castellarnau

13Omar El Gabry

14Virginia Moreno

15 Antonio Garcia

16Teresa Fortuny

17 Jordi Barberà

18Oscar Coincidentally

S1Juan Carles Fuentes

S2Maite Garcia

S3Luis Miralles

S4Cinta Galiana

S5Patricia Olivé

S6Jordi Collado

S7Francisco Ortega

S8Marta Arjona

S9Salva Matas

S10 Josefa Zapata

1Elena Ferre Toldrà

2Mario Mata Madrid

3Montse Cortasa

4 Oriol López

5 Meritxell Teruel Cubí

6Héctor Escudero

7Helena Motos Hervas

8Francesc Godàs

9 Montserrat Rollán Espunyes

10Jordi Cipriano

11Amaia Rodrigo Arcay

12Josep Grau

13Anna Mayench

14Marc Dalmau

15 Sara Vila

S1 Marcel Colell

S2Laura Bergès

S3Josep Carles Martín

S4 Núria Pujol

S5Jaume Moya