Abroad in a swoon over the naked Ibi

You can see the highlights from the (bright)red carpet for Zulu Awards here. Video: Jonas Olufson. It has created a lot of attention at home, that the tv-host

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
16 February 2020 Sunday 15:00
4557 Reads
Abroad in a swoon over the naked Ibi

You can see the highlights from the (bright)red carpet for Zulu Awards here. Video: Jonas Olufson.

It has created a lot of attention at home, that the tv-host Ibi Støving Thursday evening during this year's Zulu Awards chose to throw the cloths and stand on the stage splitterravende naked as a tribute to the program 'Date me naked'.

Since stuntet have Ibi Støving received one positive message after another on social media, where Ibi among other things, being hailed for standing up for the message that all bodies are beautiful as they are, and that you must do with her body, what you will.

See also: Naked on stage: Now bombarded with reactions

But it it is, however, not only in denmark, people have noticed the Ibis nøgenstunt on the stage. Several foreign media have also picked up the sensational tv moment.

You can see or revisit the images of the Ibi on the stage for the Zulu Awards including.

The filled floor of the K. B. Hall cheered when Ibi came forward without any clothes on. Photo: Per Arnesen/TV2

Photo: Per Arnesen/TV2

In the Norwegian Newspaper roses Ibi Støving for his courage, while the same is true for the Norwegian edition of See and Hear.

In the Norwegian media will be tv-host, among other things, hailed for the message, she came from the stage:

I stand here to speak to those who the dealer with a body-issues out there. I would very much like to address myself to the women and young girls in this country. You are unique and beautiful, and you do with your body, what the hell that suits you, said Ibi, among other things from the stage during the Zulu Awards.

Also on the social media Reddit discusses several of the Danish tv-host performance, which, among other things, being called 'brave' and 'important'.

Danish celebrity - 13. feb. 2020 - pm. 22:25 See the pictures: Completely nude Ibi surprised

Updated: 16.02.2020 15:00