Junts assumes that Rajoy will appear in the investigative commission in Congress

The general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, has assumed that the former president of the government Mariano Rajoy will appear in the investigative commission of the Congress of Deputies on the State sewers after the joint investigation by La Vanguardia and Eldiario.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
14 January 2024 Sunday 15:21
10 Reads
Junts assumes that Rajoy will appear in the investigative commission in Congress

The general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, has assumed that the former president of the government Mariano Rajoy will appear in the investigative commission of the Congress of Deputies on the State sewers after the joint investigation by La Vanguardia and Eldiario.es has revealed that the former leader of the PP was informed of the practices of the so-called patriotic police against supposedly pro-independence leaders to stop the process.

Turull, interviewed this morning on TV-3's Els Matins, recalled that one of the conditions for the constitution of the Vongreso Board was "to reactivate and do so seriously the commission of investigation into the State's sewers" and explained that " "obviously" his group will request the appearance of the former president as they had already done in the previous legislature. However, then PSOE and PP overturned the appearance.

"This time, as in the agreements we have in Congress, there will be no crossed vetoes on requests for appearances. I am sure that Rajoy will appear," Turull said.

Likewise, the general secretary of Junts has pointed out that “there are already people from the ministry who are already starting to speak” because “what has been done is already too big.” In this regard, he has commented that there is "that maxim of the right to know the truth" and "from here, all the responsibilities that may arise."

“That is why we gave so much importance to this issue, because we were convinced that the PP Government, sometimes with the complicity of others, did everything it could to try to discredit all the people who had importance in the independence world. ", it is finished.

Another reaction to take into account is that of Xavier Trias, former mayor of Barcelona and at the time falsely accused of having accounts in Switzerland. In statements to Catalunya Ràdio, Trias stressed that the most novel thing about the report published this Monday is “to put on the table that Mr. Rajoy knew all of this”, something that, he stressed, “even more saddens me because I would have liked him not to “it was like that.”

The Junts leader also hoped that this information would serve to "change things" because "it is very serious that it has been revealed that there was false information and inventions, but nothing has happened here and Mr. Jorge Fernández Díaz continues to walk around the city." "street calmly." “These are facts that are intolerable in a democracy, but here the Attorney General does not act,” lamented Trias, who has asked that the political parties reach an agreement so that “this does not happen again.” According to Trias, all this has happened because “some parties” have a “wrong concept” which is to think that “to save Spain, anything goes.”

Along the same lines, the deputy spokesperson for Junts in Congress, Pilar Calvo, has no doubt about Rajoy's involvement and sees the evidence in the published investigation. "We already knew that the president of the government was involved, only now there is evidence that proves it," said Calvo in the Cafè d'Idees on 2. "We are in the week of the bearded men, look at the beards involved," he said. ironically expressed the pro-independence deputy, who has expressed the opinion that "when operations of this level are carried out, with the patriotic police, with reserved funds, the president of the government has to be absolutely aware of everything."

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has also expressed himself on the social network with its sewers, has tried everything and has failed. "Today it is even more evident that independence is the only way," concluded the Catalan president.

"As we already suspected, Mariano Rajoy was aware of and paid with public funds for the entire dirty anti-democratic war against the independence movement," the president of Òmnium Cultural, Xavier Antich, denounced along the same lines on the same social network. "Impunity is this," he snapped.

For his part, the Minister of the Interior of the Generalitat, Joan Ignasi Elena, has considered that the new revelations are based on the idea that “the State is me; and that anyone who goes against me, goes against the State.” Thus, the councilor continues in an interview on El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio, those who understand this believe that “they can use all the instruments of the state in the service of dissolving” their adversaries, “to put an end to them.” And, from there, “anything goes and there are no limits,” he has signed. In Elena's opinion, it is a “very totalitarian” conception of the State, because it implies “using everyone's instruments for my sole service.” Elena has used irony to conclude that, after all the information, “perhaps we end up knowing who M. Rajoy is.”

Elena added that she trusts that this news "will have some consequences" because "impunity is the worst solution." For the councilor, beyond the judiciary acting, the one who must also give a response is the Government, which "must clarify whether it is with those who suffered all this or those who want to cover it up." "The facts are very serious, it is the use of the police in the service of putting an end to dissidence, and we run the risk of these things becoming normal," he concluded.