“Vaccinating children against papilloma would eradicate cervical cancer”

What good is an andrologist?.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
28 April 2023 Friday 17:24
32 Reads
“Vaccinating children against papilloma would eradicate cervical cancer”

What good is an andrologist?

Do you have erectile dysfunction? Many come, but after 3-4 years of dysfunction, on average: come sooner!

And do they have a fix?

First I will rule out possible heart disease and other pathologies.

A trigger can prevent a heart attack.

And save your life if you have gone to your andrologist.

What queries are the most common?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are increasing, my specialty: syphilis, gonorrhea, papilloma...

And the most worrying of all is...

The human papilloma virus (HPV).

Why are you concerned?

It is one of the most widespread viruses in humanity! With two hundred subtypes.

I didn't know.

Of every hundred sexually active people, eighty people carry HPV in their mucosa, oral, genital or anal.

80% of humanity, infected?

HPV is everywhere, like God.

I didn't know.

But the normal thing is that your immune system eliminates the virus in a few months. And already clean, maybe you get infected again.

Successively? How will I get infected?

You will get infected if any of your mucous membranes come into contact with another person's already infected mucosa: or by practicing oral sex, be it fellatio or cunnilingus...

Michael Douglas, we know.

The kiss. Coitus. The rubbing between genitals.

How serious is it?

If the virus persists, over the years it triggers cervical cancer.

What is the cervix?

The cervix, the continuation of the vagina into the uterus.

Is there cancer?

Yes, and cervical cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in the world due to HPV.


10% of women infected with HPV will develop cervical cancer. That is why we vaccinate all girls compulsorily.

And so they are protected against cervical cancer?

Yes, happily. But... the men are still unprotected, unfortunately.

Don't we vaccinate boys?

No! And that is why currently oropharyngeal cancer among men is already surpassing cervical cancer among women.

Oropharyngeal, what is it?

Cancer in the neck, larynx, behind the tongue, in the head.

Ah, the Michael Douglas one was this.

Yes, diagnosed as caused by HPV, human papilloma virus.

For oral sex, right?

That's right, and in this case, oropharyngeal cancer will appear three to seven years after being infected with HPV.

And how can I avoid the infection?

Practice oral sex only with your partner and in turn that she does not practice it with any other person who may be infected.

Doctor, it seems to me that you are spoiling some plan for tonight...

Shall I tell you the case of a stable couple, my patients?


They visited an exchange club together. He did nothing that night, and she performed fellatio on another man.

And she got infected?

Yes, via your oral mucosa. Back in her house, she performed fellatio on her man: she thus infected his genital mucosa. Then he penetrated her: thus he infected her genital mucosa.

HPV's long journey to the cervix.

It is urgent to stop it, and today we can.

What should we do, doctor?

Women visit their gynecologist and men visit their andrologist once a year. And the great key: force all men to be vaccinated, just like women!

Why isn't that mandatory anymore?

To save public money, I'm afraid. What a serious mistake!

Because this is how the chain of infections continues... and its derived costs, of course.

The economic costs of thousands of cervical and oropharyngeal cancers, that's right.

What would happen if we vaccinated all the girls and boys at the same time?

Well, cervical cancer would disappear from the world in thirty years.

Really, doc?

It would be the first cancer eradicated in the history of humanity, totally!

How many cases are there today in the world?

530,000 cases are diagnosed each year in women between 15 and 44 years of age. And in Spain, 2,000 cases... with 700 deaths a year.

Let's save those lives!

A very wrong bias against the masculine today discriminates against men in HPV vaccination. It is aberrational! It harms the whole of humanity. Ignorance, you see, continues to kill us.