Now we will go well

The situation of Catalan in Barcelona is to such an extent a reason for depression among the part of the citizenry that still does not give a damn that the City Council has decided to take action and announce a series of measures that, without a doubt, They will reverse the situation.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
04 November 2022 Friday 18:41
4 Reads
Now we will go well

The situation of Catalan in Barcelona is to such an extent a reason for depression among the part of the citizenry that still does not give a damn that the City Council has decided to take action and announce a series of measures that, without a doubt, They will reverse the situation. There are many, so interesting (and the space in this column is so limited) that it is difficult to mention them all.

First of all, actions to promote the use of Catalan "in all municipal services that deal with citizens." Why did not we think of that? The first to be promoted will be the Guàrdia Urbana, I suppose. I am glad that they recognize the importance of the "change in the demolinguistic composition of Catalonia with a reduction in the percentage of initial speakers of Catalan, especially in Barcelona". I'm glad because, until now, when someone pointed out the importance of that fact, they called it racist. It is also very successful that secondary schools bring influencers, “people who develop content on the networks and who can serve as a reference in the use of Catalan”.

That, in practice, means: Juliana Canet, now you can start warming up in the band, “typical noia that would have monissims babies” (sic). And let me take advantage of this beautiful sporting metaphor to link it to another of the proposals: “Training to use the Catalan language in the training of sports coaches and referees”. Here, you will forgive me, the laughter has escaped me. On an adjoining shelf we find a “welcome program for medical staff coming to work in Barcelona from abroad that includes an accelerated Catalan course”.

All those who have come across "medical personnel" of this type know that it will be a piece of cake. And there are many other interesting things, like some digital Jocs Florals based on memes, videos, Twitch..., but I see that space is running out, fortunately.