Looking for the own goal

It is true that the Congress of Deputies is not the most appropriate place to delve into depths on concepts that, in principle, are complex: for this there are already brainy essays and analyzes far from the usual parliamentary Manichaeisms.

Oliver Thansan
Oliver Thansan
14 March 2023 Tuesday 16:38
21 Reads
Looking for the own goal

It is true that the Congress of Deputies is not the most appropriate place to delve into depths on concepts that, in principle, are complex: for this there are already brainy essays and analyzes far from the usual parliamentary Manichaeisms. But it is one thing not to be fine in analysis and quite another to limit oneself to permanent disqualification, to the rude patrimonialization of the truth and the trivialization of language, as has occurred throughout the parliamentary process of the law known as the solitary law. Yes is yes.

That the most caveman right wing does it is something we are used to: if we talk about protecting and promoting the rights of women, historically curtailed by the position of power of the patriarchy and achieved step by step based on struggles by the various movements of women's emancipation throughout history, it is evident that it is not the extreme right, or even the right in general, that has made an effort to advance them. There are their positions (and government actions) in relation to divorce, abortion or the wage gap.

But what is not surprising is that on the eve of the elections, with this extreme and clerical right announcing loudly that it is willing to carry out major setbacks, a part of the left maintains this forgiving attitude towards the rest of the world. progressive and dedicates itself to classifying as fascists, anti-feminists, homophobes, transphobes and other nonsense, those who do not fully agree with their background or their forms.

I cannot imagine a more effective attitude to achieve a setback in the field of women's rights than to contribute, from a childish leftism bent on devaluing the word (which is the foundation of democracy), to the extreme right winning the elections. Sometimes it seems that this is part of a calculated strategy, that of the worse the better. Other times it seems rather the result of an immaturity that prevents us from understanding that doing politics, in the best sense of the term, has nothing to do with persistently repeating a dozen hackneyed clichés, since politicians are not needed for this, a tape recorder would suffice. and a roving megaphone.