ERC fishing in foreign waters

Esquerra has done it again.

Thomas Osborne
Thomas Osborne
09 October 2022 Sunday 16:31
6 Reads
ERC fishing in foreign waters

Esquerra has done it again. Nobody like the Republicans to fish relevant figures in foreign waters. Noted at the time were the signings of the socialists Ernest Maragall, Joan Ignasi Elena or Carolina Telechea, also that of Elisenda Alamany in the Barcelona City Council from the commons, a signing that still stings. It is nothing unusual in political formations, but after the stampede of Junts del Govern, President Pere Aragonès has resorted to names that are not foreign to other formations of the Parliament. Perhaps too well known in other parties. Aragonès already expressed, after learning of Junts' decision, his willingness to reorganize a transversal Executive to make the Republican mantra of "expanding the base" a reality.

However, this transversality may be the main handicap of the new government. Far from facilitating the agreements with PSC and En Comú Podem, more necessary than ever for ERC with only 33 deputies, it could lead to a deterioration in relations with these parties. Nobody likes to see someone who until recently was one of yours sitting on the other side, even if they no longer have a membership card. The presence of Quim Nadal, Carles Campuzano and Gemma Ubasart can stir up and make pacts with socialists, postconvergents and common people difficult. On the table are the next budgets and it will be seen shortly how these negotiations flow.