Five young people attack a taxi driver to rob him and three weeks later they stab a squatter in Lanzarote


A gang of five young people between 18 and 19 years old – who have dozens of records for assaults and robberies – attacked a taxi driver and a passer-by to extract their belongings a few weeks ago. Now, according to La Provincia/Diario de Las Palmas, the National Police has arrested three members after they stabbed a young man near a squat house in Arrecife.

The first attacks occurred at dawn on April 18 and consecutively. A man was walking along the Rambla Medular in the capital of Lanzarote and was approached by these five young people who beat him up to steal the little he had on him: his cell phone and wallet.

Soon they found a taxi stopped at a traffic light. Upon confirming that he was empty, two of them wanted to get up to approach the taxi driver and called the other three to complete the attack. After an argument inside the vehicle, the investigators demanded the entire night’s collection, to which the taxi driver refused, trying to escape. He did not succeed, and in a security video you can see how, once he gets out of the car, the five young people beat him up.

Both the man who was walking and the taxi driver needed urgent medical attention due to the severity of the punches and kicks that the boys gave them.

Days after these attacks, the Lanzarote Town Council ordered the closure of the La Santa shelter — where the five suspects had met — and expelled the young people for bad behavior. The plan was to transfer them to some peninsular center, but they escaped before taking the plane and since then, they have been wandering the streets of Lanzarote. Until now, the stabbing of the twenty-year-old from Arrecife has ended with the arrest of three of them.