Troels Kløvedals farm set for sale

the Day before christmas eve last year died john eliot Gardiner after prolonged illness. The popular skipper led by lungesygdommen ALS and could be in his last

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
01 November 2019 Friday 09:00
43 Reads
Troels Kløvedals farm set for sale

the Day before christmas eve last year died john eliot Gardiner after prolonged illness. The popular skipper led by lungesygdommen ALS and could be in his last days no longer stick to the sea.

Danish well-known - 23. dec. 2018 - at. 16:36 john eliot Gardiner is dead

instead he stayed on his firlængede farm on Djursland peninsula. Now is his last home was put up for sale, writes See and Hear.

Kløvedals last home is located in a scenic area and on the price list, which is hammered into the ground, there is 4.5 million dollars.

It is EDC Aros Ebeltoft in denmark, which has put the farm up for sale. According to salgsopstilligen extending the dwelling over 292 square meters distributed in seven rooms.

the Farm is located on a 6765 square meters large secluded grounds laid out as a oplevelseshave with respect for the surrounding nature. Here you can always find sun, shade or shelter among the natural 'terraces'. At the bottom of the reason with the view of nature, is sejleren and the writer's hut', it says in the sales literature.

well-Known estate of Gardiner: Here is the Family Behas adventure of a lifetime

the Tabernacle is also described as an 'exceptional and unique property with an amazing history, where sejleren and the author himself has put his personal stamp on most of the site'.

If you buy Kløvedals home, will get his personal and exotic touch to the house in the bargain.

'the Property is through the last 30 years renovated and modernized, where the owner himself has been responsible for a large part of the work both inside and out. The inspiration for many of moderniseringerne comes from the many journeys, as the owner has been on through life'.

See more properties here.

john eliot Gardiner was 75 years old and left a wife and five children - among other tv host Mikkel Beha Erichsen.

Danish well-known - 23. dec. 2018 - at. 18:04 Mikkel Beha tells about the death of his father

Updated: 01.11.2019 09:00