Qvortrup: A mess of to Jensen

Lars Løkke Rasmussen's appearances on the national tv channels gave food for thought, but, in particular, a point is clear to Extra the Magazine's political c

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
15 September 2019 Sunday 15:01
69 Reads
Qvortrup: A mess of to Jensen

Lars Løkke Rasmussen's appearances on the national tv channels gave food for thought, but, in particular, a point is clear to Extra the Magazine's political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

- The big story is, of course, that he never believed in Kristian Jensen, says Henrik Qvortrup on the Loop's action on special TV2.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen told us that he is back in 2014 showed special attention to Kristian Jensen, but he in addition has always appointed its ministers from the jurisdiction.

It can according to Henrik Qvortrup only be interpreted in one way.

- It is an outright mess for Kristian Jensen, and the information will come up behind him, says Henrik Qvortrup.

Stories about a possible new party with Lars Løkke Rasmussen, in the last few weeks flourished extensively in the Danish media. By Loop tv appearances on Sunday night he was, however, turned down the heat, when he told that there is a basis to form a new party.

It comes as no surprise to political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

I had not expected that he would talk about a new party in the evening, but I think, however, that he leaves a door ajar to unfold its policy in a different way, says Henrik Qvortrup.

Lars Løkke be able to report that he has long seen Jakob Ellemann-Jensen as the obvious successor as president of the Left. With the opinion belies he himself, believes Henrik Qvortrup.

- After valgnederlaget he was out and say that it was with him in the lead, to the Left were to regain power. This is not consistent with what he says about Ellemann-Jensen tonight, says Henrik Qvortrup.

He praises the in however, Lars Løkke Rasmussen for his performance.

- The period of reflection on the two weeks has done him well, it was a strong performance, " says Henrik Qvortrup.

Loop hectic summer

5. June: the Loop and the Left loses the keys to the office of the prime minister, although the party goes until the

2. august: Loop reporting in a video on Facebook that he has the ambition to regain statsministertaburetten as president of the Left

5. august: the Left allocates the top positions in the leadership. Loop pushing to get Inger Støjberg in place on the gruppenæstformand, but the group goes, at Loop level, instead of Sofie Løhde.

7. august: Kristian Jensen goes to the attack on the Loop, he then said in a great interview with Berlingske reject Loop idea of a SV-cooperation.

9. august: Loop sets Jensen on the space at the Left sommergruppemøde at Kragerup Gods. Kristian Jensen meets great criticism from the V-profile Claus Deer calls for his departure.

15. august: the Distrust of the Loop, and Jensen begins to smolder among several key Venstrefolk. Jakob Ellemann-Jensen will be repeatedly mentioned as the obvious replacement for the Loop.

19. august: the Liberal party hovedbestyrelsesmedlemmer Svend Møller Sørensen and Mette Marie Thomsen joins clear that they want the Noose and Jensen's departure.

21. august: Previous Loop-supports, as Søren Gade and Søren Pind is mentioned as active in the mobilisation of a rebellion against the chair.

25. august: Lars Løkke proposes to bring forward the Party's national convention in november and september, in order to get a handle on formandssituationen in the party.

27. august: the Liberal party's board of directors, in the Region Midtjylland ask officially Loop and Jensen whether to withdraw from their posts.

27. august: In spite of the pressure from the hinterland refuses Loop to withdraw as president. He will instead try to seek support on the landsmødet

30. august: Bertel Haarder joins in the chorus of several prominent folketingspolitikere from the Left, who want a new presidency. The former has, among other Preben Bang Henriksen, Louise Schack Elholm, and Carsten Kissmeyer publicly expressed a desire for a formandsskifte.

31. august: Lars Løkke and Kristian Jensen withdraws from their posts in the Liberal party presidency after hovedbestyrelsesmødet in Brejning. Kristian Jensen says in a tearful interview about his departure, while Loop sneaks out the back door and announce his departure in a Facebook-posting. He follows up with a post on Instagram late in the evening.

4. september: Ekstra Bladet reveals the history that the Loop is snug on the tank to start a new party, and that he has several times floated the idea in Left-circles. A musician should stand ready in the wings with four million in party funding.

4. september: Ekstra Bladet tries to make Lars Lokke in his Swedish ødegård, but without success. In an email neither confirm or refute he plans a new party.

15. september: After two quiet weeks break Loop silence in a Facebook-posting, where he says, that he will be in the studio with both TV2 and Danmarks Radio in prime time.

Updated: 15.09.2019 15:01