Creepy: Found 2000 fetuses at the death of the doctor

An american abortlæge stored more than 2000 human embryos in his home. It writes the BBC the Family to the doctor, who passed away 3. september, may true ju

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
18 September 2019 Wednesday 05:00
84 Reads
Creepy: Found 2000 fetuses at the death of the doctor

An american abortlæge stored more than 2000 human embryos in his home.

It writes the BBC

the Family to the doctor, who passed away 3. september, may true just that as they went through his apartment after his death.

In total, were found 2246 foetuses or parts of foetuses from Dr Ulrich Klopfers address, and the police have now started an investigation, which should shed more light on the matter.

Dr. Ulrich Klopfer had, until 2016 a abortklinik in the u.s. state of Indiana, but it was closed when he got pulled its license in the pieces.

the Crime Here is the diary, which gave Skrækdanskeren

He was accused of not having reported an abortion, as he had done on a mere 13-year-old girl. In addition, he did it, without any other staff present.

During the hearing of the case deepened Klopfer his views on abortion.

- Women get pregnant, men do not.

- We need to respect that women need to take the best decisions for their lives. I'm not here to dictate anything. I'm not here to judge anyone, he said at the time.

In total, were found 2246 foetuses or parts of foetuses from Dr Ulrich Klopfers address, and the police have now started an investigation, which should shed more light on the matter.

Updated: 18.09.2019 05:00