Corona virus takes the lives of 115 people in Hubei on a day

The last day is 115 people died of the infectious coronavirus in China's Hubei province. At the same time, on Thursday confirmed 411 new smittetilfælde in the

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
21 February 2020 Friday 01:00
134 Reads
Corona virus takes the lives of 115 people in Hubei on a day

The last day is 115 people died of the infectious coronavirus in China's Hubei province. At the same time, on Thursday confirmed 411 new smittetilfælde in the province.

This is an increase compared to Wednesday, where the virus claimed the lives of 108 people in Hubei, while it was confirmed 349 new smittetilfælde.

It informs the health commission of Hubei province on Friday morning local time, according to news agency Reuters.

the Increase comes after three days, where the number of new infections in the province have been declining.

Overall, 62.442 people confirmed infected with the coronavirusset in Hubei.

In total, 2144 people in the province lost their lives to the virus since the middle of december.

In Hubei province, is a megapolis Wuhan, and it is here that coronavirusset has its epicenter.

Thursday died 99 people of the virus in Wuhan. It is more than the day before, in which 88 people died.

In total, 1684 people died of the coronavirus in the chinese therefore, since the middle of december.

For the whole of mainland China's death toll on Friday morning local time up on the 2236, after a total of 118 people across the country have died that day.

According to the chinese sundhedskommission is confirmed 889 new smittetilfælde in the country.

This is more than 75,000 people in China infected with the virus. It informs the health authorities according to AFP news agency.

on Thursday morning local time, reported the chinese authorities on the lowest number of new infections by coronaviruses in a day ago 25. January.

Wednesday was 394 new persons confirmed infected with coronavirusset in China.

It was a drastic fall compared with the day before, where there were 1749 new smittetilfælde in the country.

Coronavirusset is believed to have occurred at a market in Wuhan, which, among other things were sold wild animals.

in addition to mainland China has the virus spread to over 29 countries in the world.

worldwide button are 77,000 people infected with the coronavirus. It shows a statement from John Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, early Friday morning, Danish time.

on Friday morning local time, informs the health authorities in south Korea, that country has confirmed 52 new smittetilfælde. Thus, in total 156 people in south Korea infected with coronavirusset, writes Yonhap, according to Reuters.

Updated: 21.02.2020 01:00