After the internal trouble: Therefore, the left LA-president his post

After Leif Mikkelsen on Monday night resigned from his post as national president of the Liberal Alliance, is the DR come into possession of a letter to the par

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
12 February 2020 Wednesday 00:00
173 Reads
After the internal trouble: Therefore, the left LA-president his post

After Leif Mikkelsen on Monday night resigned from his post as national president of the Liberal Alliance, is the DR come into possession of a letter to the party's central executive committee from the former national president of the Liberal Alliance.

Here justifies Leif Mikkelsen its decision to go ahead of time with the exclusion of the long-standing party member Soren Kenner.

It was the same reason, the party came in a press release Monday evening.

See also: executive committee elects Vanopslagh as LA-president

See also: Profile kicked out of LA

In the letter, which the DR is in the possession of, explains Leif Mikkelsen according to DR its resolution.

Søren Kenner was according to the letter excluded from the party because of the criticism of the party's leadership, among other things, folketingsmedlemmet Henrik Dahl.

It rings hollow, considers Leif Mikkelsen, because Henrik Dahl's criticism of the former political leader Anders Samuelsen was so hard, that the party should have expelled him.

According to Leif Mikkelsen excluded the main board not the Henrik Dahl, because it would have been costly because of the rules on party funding.

in Addition, would the remaining folketingsgruppe have chosen a different leader than Alex Vanopslagh.

On this basis I have decided to insist on to make the exclusion of Henrik Dahl. But made in the context that we thus moved the bar for when in the future there could be exclusion of a member, is that according to DR in the letter.

After Leif Mikkelsen has withdrawn at Monday's extraordinary national congress, has the main board constituted a political leader Alex Vanopslagh as national chairman.

He will be formally elected at landsmødet 25. april. Currently, he is the only candidate.

the Party had already decided that the two entries should be merged, so all the power in the future are unified in the same individual. It was also planned that Leif Mikkelsen had to leave his post at the landsmødet.

the Liberal Alliance suffered a huge defeat in the elections 5. June, when the party went from 13 to four mandates. Subsequently, Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille also volunteered out of the party.

Thus consists leadership in day only of the political leader and the acting national chairman Alex Vanopslag, Henrik Dahl and Ole Birk Olesen.

Updated: 12.02.2020 00:00