50,000 to support the ban: Should be treated in the Danish Parliament

A borgerforslag for an immediate cessation of sales of Roundup and other means to combat weeds and insects have in recent months met with great support. on We

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
20 November 2019 Wednesday 19:00
41 Reads
50,000 to support the ban: Should be treated in the Danish Parliament

A borgerforslag for an immediate cessation of sales of Roundup and other means to combat weeds and insects have in recent months met with great support.

on Wednesday, the proposal passed the 50,000 in support, and thus it can now be proposed as resolution be considered and voted on in Parliament.

the Proposal has been made by Christiane Bjørg Nielsen, who is probably best known for having played the character sugar candy in the "Pyrus"-julekalenderne.

She chose to make the proposal, because she is in the local stores be able to see that you continue to be able to buy containers with different weed killer.

I thought, that it could not fit that in 2019 had not been the wiser. We all look giftresterne in our groundwater, and we see how biodiversity and our insects have it, says Christiane Bjørg Nielsen.

Along with a number of other persons, which is medstillere of the proposal, it goes Christiane Bjørg Nielsen after the ban, for example, herbicides with the content of the glyfosat, best known from the Roundup, and insecticides with the content of the neonikotinoider.

the People behind the proposal would have seen a total ban on the use of herbicides in Denmark.

But because they find it more realistic to adopt a ban on the private use of the funds, as is the proposal in this instance, only on private consumption.

- Now we have not taken agriculture into this proposal, and it makes it a little easier. It had probably been really hard to deal with, if we also tried to change anything for the industry. We can only dream that it comes in the next time around, says Christiane Bjørg Nielsen.

for several years, Danish farmers used glyfosat to the wilting of cereals, oilseed rape and peas in order to ensure a uniform harvest, and against weeds.

the Substance is, however, suspected to be pathogenic. Both Austria and Germany have announced plans for a ban on glyfosat, and in the UNITED states has been awarded damages for cancer triggered by having used glyfosat.

the Substance glyfosat will be used among other things in the herbicide Roundup, which the German kemigigant Bayer acquired in connection with the acquisition by the company Monsanto. The final selskabsovertagelse took place in June last year.

currently, Bayer with a mountain of litigation that goes on, on the Roundup is carcinogenic. Bayer, however, has repeatedly rejected the charges.

so far three different judges to take a position to the cases of Roundup. None of the three judges so far have given Bayer the right, and the company has since appealed the three decisions.

Updated: 20.11.2019 19:00