- I have ordered my coffin

Anders Lund Madsen's fascination with death started early and in a special way. When he at the end of the'80s stepped into the redaktionslokalerne in the Ex

Ann McDonald
Ann McDonald
04 January 2020 Saturday 19:00
68 Reads
- I have ordered my coffin

Anders Lund Madsen's fascination with death started early and in a special way.

When he at the end of the'80s stepped into the redaktionslokalerne in the Extra Magazine as a young journalistpraktikant, he was afraid to interview.

He had social anxiety, and Anders Lund Madsen, who dare not grasp the phone and call people, and he had to find a solution to it.

the Solution was dødsannoncer.

When a person passed away without relatives, and took Anders Lund Madsen in addition to his residence and knocked on the door of the neighbors to find out who the deceased was.

the Articles were a success, and Anders Lund Madsen's interest in death started.

- I seem basic, it is interesting, when we die. It is a conditions, and yet not spent much energy on it in an ordinary person's life, he says.

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the 56-year-old Anders Lund Madsen think it is important to realize that one day we must from here. Therefore, he started to prepare his own death and burial.

What has he actually done for a long time. The higher up in age, he comes, the more he thinks on it.

- It is too late to do when it is over, and therefore it is extremely important to be prepared. If one does not acknowledge that life ends, so it's annoying when it suddenly comes and bites one in the arse, " says Anders Lund Madsen.

He started planning his funeral seven years ago, when he was on a tv-recording with his older brother, Peter Lund Madsen, in Ghana's capital, Accra.

Here ordered Anders Lund Madsen of his chest. He had decided that he wanted to be buried in a coffin designed as a pragtsmerling - an aquarium fish from Sumatra.

Anders Lund Madsen's interest in death also caused him to go on tour with a new show he calls "the End".

- the Point of the notion is that at some point it is over. People will forget that you existed, and that it is really over, he says.

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The thought fills much of him. He likes the idea of being remembered in 100 years, but acknowledges that it is probably the very few who gets it.

- Perhaps it's just Kim Larsen, people will remember, " he says.

the Fear of dying lonely, fills also with Anders Lund Madsen.

Through his life he has been involved in funerals where there is no family or friends were and looked at the nearest hold, how it is done.

- It was terribly lonely and sad, he says.

Even is Anders Lund Madsen, the father of six children where the youngest is two years old.

- Why do you think I will get the children? It is to extend the process. I do not fear the silence, but the loneliness will be unpleasant.

- If I'm at a point in time sitting and talking to a lamp and is best friends with a pillow, a lack of its due to live, I think. There must be other people around, " says Anders Lund Madsen.

the Show 'Connect' has premiere 23. January in Copenhagen.

Updated: 04.01.2020 19:00